

Hiro and Violet. Violet saves her parents and Hiro
Violets mom went to go somewhere to save the world, while her dad was with her and Dash. " Dad, can I invite my friend over?" Violet asked, " Uh, yeah sure." Her dad said, * Hiro comes over * " Hi I'm Sah her little brother!" Dash said, " Hi" Hiro said " This is my baby brother Jack jack!" Violet said " Where'd your mom?" Hiro asked, " She went somewhere to save the world. " Violet said, " I went somewhere last weak, and I met other heros, they were pretty nice." Hiro said, " Really, that's cool." Violet said, " Vi, who's this?" Her dad asked, " Yoy must be Mr. Incredible!" Hiro said, " Yes, how did you know?" Mr. Incredible asked, " I just know, I'm Hiro!" Hiro said, " Oh, I know you, your Violets friend." Mr. Incredible said, * Violet turns on the news* " Hiro, your on the news!" Dash said, * They watched the news * " Last week this 14 year old boy named Hiro Hamada stopped a guy wearing a blue glasses mask. And he was trying to himponties Hiro but he covered his eyes and captured him, when he took of the mask, it was Calahan he was trying to himpotise Hiro last week. Thank goodness that he became a hero.'" The news lady said, " Wow, Callahan was trying to himpotise you." Dash said, " Yep, I was glad that he got tossed in jail." Hiro said, " Look that's mom!" Violet said, " Mrs. Incredible, tell me how did you feel when you became a super here?" Cony asked, " Well Cony, I feel amazing, I heard about this 14 year old boy named Hiro Hamada, I heard that he's a great hero." Mrs. Incredible said, " Well, he must be out there somewhere, making sure that Callahan doesn't come back." Cony said, " Yes, I'm proud of that boy, and I have his number, so I will call him." Mrs. Incredible said, * Hiro answers the phone* " What's up?" Hiro asked, " OH my lord, Hiro Hamada 8s oh the Phoenix right now!" Cony said, " So Hiro, tell us hoe did you know that was Callahan back then." Cony said, " Well, pretty much I didn't know that was him, until I took off the mask." Hiro said, " So, how would you feel if you work eith Mrs. Incredible?" Cony asked, " I think we will do great." Hiro said, " That's great!" Cony said, " I got to go." Hiro said, " Everyone, give a hand to Hiro Hamada and Mrs. Incredible!" Cony said, * Hiro hangs up * " Hiro, I can't believe that you and my mom were on TV!" Dash said, * Turns the TV off* " Dad, where are you going?" Violet asked, " I'm going to help your mother!" Her dad said, " I will go with him." Hiro said, " Good luck!" Violet said, * They left * " so, how long have you been a hero?" Mr. Incredible asked, " 1 year. " Hiro said, * They arrived at Mrs. Incredibles place* " Hiro!" Mrs. Incredible said, " Hey!" Hieo said, * Hugs her* " Hey! " Evilyn said " This is Hiro Hamada, the boy that I was talking about." Mrs. Incredible said, " Hello." Hiro said, * Evilyn looks at him with disused * " I don't think she likes me." Hiro said, * 3 hours later* " Do you see what this is Hiro?" Evilyn asked, " That's the blue glasses that hipnotise people. " Hiro said, " Well, Callahan gave this to me, and wanted Mt to do this." Evilyn said, * Puts it on him* " Now you're himpotise. " Evilyn said, * Mr. Incredible walks up to Hiro* " Hey." Mr.Incredible said, * Hiro turns around* " What happened?" Mrs. Incredible asked, * Puts the himpotise glasses on them* " Great work Hiro." Evilyn said, * With Violet* " Vi, they should have been home by now." Dash said, " Something is up." Violet said, " We need to go to them to see if they are ok!" Dash said, * They hear knocking at the door* " I will get it." Violet said, * Opens the door* " Hiro..." Violwt said, " You're joking us." Hiro said, " Run!" Violet said, * Hiro grabs Violet* " Join us Violet.!" Hiro said, * Tires to put on the himpotise glasses on her* " GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!!!" Violet yelled, * Kicks him* " Grab Jack Jack and let's get in dad's car, and get mom and dad!" Violet said, * They drove off* " Evilyn, they're coming to you, I'm on my way." Hiro said, " Good work." Evilyn said, * He arrivs" Where are they?" Hiro asked, * Violet attacks Hiro* " Let me take those off!!" Violet said, * Hiro kicks her away from him* " Come her vi, join me and your parents." Hiro said, * Dash kicks the glasses off of Hiro* " Wha.." Hiro said, " NO!" Evilyn shouted, " Vi, Dash what are you guys doing here?" Hiro asked, * Mr Incredible Puts the glasses on him* " Dad, Hiro!" Violet said, * Hiro grabs her* " Put them on her!" Hiro said, * Dash kicks him* " You deal with her, I'm going to get Dash!" Hiro said, * Violet runs over to her mom* " Mom!" Violet said, " Violet!" Her mom said. " Hiro and Dad are himpotise with those glasses, please we need to help them!!" Violet said, * They ran to them* " Hiro!" Violet said, " Bob!" Her mom said, * They turned around* " Join us!" Hiro said, * Violet kissed Hiro and took off the glasess* " Hiro, can you hear me?" Violet asked, " * Blushes* Vi, are you alright?" Hieo asked, " Yeah, help me get my dad!" Violet said, " Let me do it!" Hiro said * Hiro attacks her dad* " GO HIRO!!" Dash and Violet yelled, * Hiro takes off the glasess* " Mr. Incredible, can you hear me?" Hiro asked, " Woh, what happened?" Mr. Incredible asked, " Long story." Dash said, " You guys stop the ship by hitting the city while I go deal with Evilyn!" Hiro said, * They ran off* " Evilyn!" Hiro said, " Oh, this is going to be a fun fight!" Evilyn said * They started fighting* " Give up Hiro, you're going to lose this foght!" Evilyn said, " I will never give up, how about you give up!" Hiro said, * Evilyn grabs his neck * " Told you, you're losing this figt!" Evilyn said, " Nope." Hiro said, * Violet hits her* " You little!" Evilyn said, * Hiro kicks her* " You're losing this fight, not you are going to be tossed in jail!" Hiro said, * They went home* " We did great guys!" Violwt said, " Yeah, but why did you kissed me?" Hiro asked, " I love you." Violet said, " I need to get going, Tadashi and Aunt Cass need me." Hiro said, * He kissed her on the cheek *

The End

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