

To live or not to live
I feel like we ask ourselves this question every single day. When you first awake, in those first few moments, when you’re lying there contemplating the mysteries of the universe, deciding whether or not you wish to crawl out of bed or sleep in.
And it is in those moments do you truly start to question the reason for your existence, your purpose in this vast universe. The reason you even woke up this morning or if that’s what you even wanted.

In my opinion, life is one giant paradox. It is filled with contradictory decisions,
mistakes and maybe if you’re lucky, joy, happiness, success. But, and take a minute to think about it, what is the point of it? Is it really worth it? The pain you have to go through for that tiny shred of fleeting happiness? Lately I find myself pondering a lot on the subject and it was only recently, did I stumble upon something that changed my outlook. I gained a whole new perspective on the situation and I’m about to share that with you.

We live in a world governed by hatred and power greedy individuals, each one only looking out for themselves. It is so rampant that the term for it is self-
preservation when in reality, it’s just plain selfishness. Where is our humanity
gone? The darkness has grown at such an extensive rate it has no difficulty snuffing out what little light there is left. The concentric approach to snuffing out the light begins with deception. One little white lie can spiral so far out of
control, the damage can be appalling. I’d be lying if I didn’t say there was a certain appeal to the darkness. It seems to lure innocents like a moth to the
flame. Stripping them of their innocents and leaving them a shell of who they used to be. They say innocence is bliss but when it is, in fact, quite the opposite.

However, there is a certain beauty to the madness. A composure to the chaos.
For, only once you have stood in the eye on the hurricane and made it out the other side do you learn to appreciate what it is you have that some might not.
Even in darkness there is a certain beauty, one that cannot be stolen. For beauty
is as beauty does. There is beauty all around you, from the sound of the waves crashing against the ocean bed to the laughter of a child, the song of a nightingale or the fireflies that light up the midnight sky. It is in the smell of the earth after the first rains, in the howl of the wind on a wintery night. The world really isn’t a bad place at all. It is, in fact, one of the most beautiful creations but it has been corrupted but the lust of men. The sparring of different nation’s leading to war and destruction. Pain, hatred, loss, fueled by the desire to be number one. It may seem like there is no peace, but you see, that’s where you’re wrong. It is always most peaceful in the eye of the hurricane.

Amongst it all, there is one never-ending constant and that is beauty. For real beauty comes from within and it is that kind, the real kind, that cannot be stolen. For it has a perpetual source, one that cannot be depleted. Every single morning, the sun rises without fail, like clockwork. The birds sing, the plants lift themselves towards the sun and the world is at peace.
It’s always about the little moments, the ones we least expect and tend to
overlook. That’s where the real beauty lies.