

Hey (Writing prompt)

The old woman dropped her purse, spilling it's contents all over the sidewalk. He rushed ahead to help her stopping short when he saw the gun under the purse.

"What the-" He said, tortured. It hadn't occured to him the old woman was on her feet. Compared to him, how he rushed with a lack of time, she nimbly strikes his neck and he falls to the floor.

3 shots to his neck, you would have been abhorred to see. One of the contents out of the bag was a phone, old in model and make, but with it she muttered into the speaker, "A job well done." The phone was then tossed to the ground, next to brain matter splattered into the crowd, by now a group of people have gathered to witness the uncanny scene.

An old lady just murdered a man. Obscene.
© Eric Bell