

The sun will always shine
In life we go through ups and downs..Sometimes lifes problems become so overwhelming...but the sun will always shine...brighter days will await you..

So arise and may you realize that God will always shine His light upon your life...Sometimes it may appear that Gods not listening to your prayers..but he is always listening..Gods real..

I have realized this because in my life I had experienced many difficulties but God always there...we must not be afraid of anything that comes our way..

Just as God created the sun to always shine upon the earth.. He sent and created His only son Jesus to save mankind and to shine His light upon the world. Jesus is the only true light of the world...

So there is always hope...as long as the hope of the world is in this world....Never ever stop believing in God no matter what you have to endure...I know I wont stop believing in God no matter what comes my way..

My advice to you is never lose hope. Just as the sun will always inevitably shine upon the earth...Jesus will inevitably..shine His goodness and light upon the world..always..