

BTS ,A beginning 💜
BTS commonly known as bang tang boys or beyond the scene is the only musical band who compose there creations for humanity. BTS has potential to change the DNA of the world from there song Dynamite as Dynamite is the song which help two countries to have a good relationship. There songs are always on social issues.In today world as the singers are only concentrated in one theme that is love but they forgot that other emotions are also there, As BTS album Wings itself is a evidence that in today genreation we saw lonliness and aggressive behavior and BTS feel this problem and they raise voice against this. If you know that music and film industry real duty is to show real face of community and to encourage people to abolish bad deeds from community ,Wings has lot of potential to show the real pain of youngsters. From my side BTS has the always a social message and in Wings a social message is about young ones. As BTS has the most followers in the world . As BTS sense the real DNA of the people that what they want to listen .I hope they will never let there fans in depress in India as Justin Bieber did .So welcome in India ,As I know after this covid 19 pandemic your tour is in India ,Welcome .
© yeshu