

The man who knows a lion — PART TWO
The lion cub was took into Alessandro's house and Alessandro take care of him. Then Alessandro fed him by giving a bottle full of milk in it , and the cub starting to drink it. After 5 years goes the cub of the lion was grown and Alessandro gave him a name, Lexon and he had loved that name too. Alessandro is taking care of Lexon from 5 years , Alessandro know what to do for him so that Lexon can stay relaxed, and he made diet routine for Lexon:
Day Night Monday -1kg Meat - 3 bowl of rice and
some milk
Tuesday -5 eggs and - half kg of meat and
rice 5 cup milk
Wednesday - " "
Thursday -1kg of Paneer - 2kg of Beef
Friday - " "
Saturday -6 bowl rice with - 1L Milk with
tomato chapati
Sunday -3kg of meat - 2kg of Of rice with
1L milk.
This is the diet routine for Lexon, here are some food which are not meat , thus Alessandro fed Lexon Meat but also veggies before 2 years after that it is the healthier diet routine for Lexon. Then only from 5.00am to 7.20 am jogging to or climb to the top of the cliff to get both of them fit whole through the day. After jogging Alessandro eat cornflakes and he gave Lexon milk, after getting ready Alessandro goes into his surrounding to check if the all animals were doing well or not. One day Alessandro decided to take Lexon with him to the jungle so that Lexon can understand his surrounding, but suddenly a tiger came out behind the logs and jump on the car. Alessandro suddenly step on the brake lever and the car was unbalanced and tiger fell backwards of the car. When Alessandro got out of the car th tiger starting to approach towards it and then jumped onto Alessandro but Lexon jumped on th tiger at the right moment. It was firece fight between the tiger and Lexon, but the 5 year old lion win the fight but got a scar on his head. At that moment Alessandro knew that Lexon is now fully grown up and it's time leave him and Lexon have to survive in it's own habitat. After thinking all this thing Alessandro said a sad goodbye to Lexon and Alessandro got out from the jungle and goes into his house.

-Mohit Malay Nayak
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