

The reason Jesus lives
For those of who doubt the existence of God..He does exist...He is real..I know this because I experienced the power of God upon my life..and I experienced His mercy..love and His beauty upon my life ...

The reason Jesus lives is so we can face tomorrow..because He will help us in our darkest moment and deepest despair...God sent His only Son Jesus into the world to save the world..and not to condemn it..that who ever believes in Jesus shall not perish but have eternal life...

God is a God of love...Therefore He says in His word ..to love one another ..and to even love our enemies and bless those who curse us and be good to those who despite fully use us and curse us...that we may be the children of our father which is in heaven..

Jesus is so beautiful ..His beauty cannot be fathomed..it is beyond description..He who watches over us...shall neither slumber nor sleep...
How amazing is this God..I truly cannot fathom His wisdom and compassionate nature..

He knew us before we were formed in our mothers womb...He is the same yesterday...today and forever more..He knows our thoughts even before we think them..

How awesome is Jesus..I will always believe in Him even through the trials and tribulations I faced in my life..and still face. We are living in the end times..

The armageddon is at hand..the end of the world..according to the bible..and the prophesies.. So may we draw near to God..I was devoid of peace until I met the prince of peace...I was devoid of joy..until the joy of the Lord became my strength..

We must be overcomes..and realize that God will get us through any storm.. in life..The reason Jesus lives is so we can have life and have it more abundantly..I will never ever give up on my God..and My Messiah..Jesus Christ..