

What is appreciation?
It is a little thing or action which can change many things or almost everything. It's just a process to appreciate someone's efforts. People usually keep doing work, they keep moving, they keep hustling without even thinking of themselves. Each one of us is sometimes happy but sometimes, sometimes we feel motivated and most of the times demotivated. But appreciating the little efforts can definitely bring a great change in our life. Because this is the thing people often forget to do. We just keep appreciating others, we see good in everyone and consider ourselves as full of faults. We just keep undervaluing ourselves, disrespect and hate.
When someone appreciates us, then we feel so good, infact we go on cloud nine, we focus on that and realise that we are also good in something. I simply mean, that we must stop ignoring or hurting ourselves and focus on our good qualities too. Appreciation is definitely not going to cost you, you just have to appreciate all the efforts you put in something everyday. Just figure it out and appreciate yourself too.
© Sakshi Lodhi