

Intricate Communications
How you communicate with other people is all that matters. Emotions are important in our social life because they allow us to express and understand our feelings. Create a tale with it.

Speaking, listening, both are dual responses. Someone speaks, the other one listen. A dual connection, creating the formation of friends. Let me explain, to communication and use the proper tone, expressing words that connect where they belong. For example, when I speak to the woman I love. First, we connect eye to eye. Secondly, we infuse magic in our smiles. Then, and only then, increasing melodies come. I will get my guitar, and she will vocalize romantic songs. Afterwards I whisper in her ear, she returns a whisper to mine. We grin to giggle. We've accomplished our mission. Sometimes we wait. Then we breathe the same air Because we know the secret, breaths gives life. With that truth in mind, we begin to walk towards our resting space. Where beauty blooms without mistakes. Two silhouettes drifting through our private thoughts. Leaning on one another. Quiet echoes amplify our beating hearts. It sounds like a gentle wind sweeping against an invisible drum. We are involved, holding what we actually want. Time alone. Without a care. Muting our cellphones. Peace and quiet is what we expect. Approaching her slowly, something beautiful happens next. This moment alone happened with multiple words. Some words were essential. Other words expressed secret codes. We understand but no one else knows. Intricate communications.
© Daniel Mason