

The unwanted part of this culture.
Some Colleges, Schools and Universities are unnamed for making your children a drug addict let me be clear because, I am not here to be dipped into any Demeaning argument. So any School or college, it is not wrong but the inside atmosphere and the people, and especially. Those who pretend to be with you, but they only pull you towards something that at first sight, it might look as though that is something enthusiastic or something that would overwhelm you. But drags are not any kind of pleasure of life, infect its only makes you unreal like you are a zombie in a human body and as the days gone by. Along with these addictions, then you no longer belong to your own mind, because now your body has been captivated by the intoxication and more irritation. Well, a type of irritation that could make you committed to do anything because you are desperate to have the (Drugs) or let's say poison that will impose a limitation on your life expectancy, because when you are a compulsive drug addict then living for 3 years would be hard because now. The mind of yours, it is only chained and you would only listen to the Drugs. Not all Colleges, Schools or Universities are wrong but, keep yourself beware. You are a student who has the duty to shape your tomorrow, so keep only a few people as your friends because 10 out of 9 people are allergic to good behaviour and Quality Personality in this period. Say no to any kind of Drug if it has offered you by any means.