

Shooting stars

Are you waiting for me long here Aalim , no now only I come . One good news for you: our classroom was changed . Oh that's great, happy to hear, we sit together Here after you are not going to miss me , tomorrow is school celebration day . So today you may be busy at rehearsal, It's boring to sit in class.

Sushmitha do not worry I was in the classroom with you , Thara take care of Sushmi . Some guys unwantedly bother us so let's move on from here. Aalim come to the rehearsal room, Thara I will be back soon. Veer what's your problem why you are bothering my friend, I have no problem with you guys .

Today is full of enjoyment, but without Aalim it's too boring. Sushmitha, may I help you to enjoy today, no need to worry about me . Thanks for your concern. What are you doing, taking pics of yours? Wow, such a nice pose. I want to delete it , first try to get a phone from me . Stop, do not run, see what's going on.

Do not post the pic at our blog please, before you say that word I don't have an idea. But after you say that I feel it's a better idea. Give the phone first, I think you are trying to get close to me. I never try to close you, why are you getting mad so soon at me . I just do this all because I want to be your friend.

I want to think about it , Aalim you are back how was your practice going, it's going well Sushmitha. Did you see the pic at our blog? Are you upset because of that? No I am not, just go classroom I will be back, But Aalim I want to ask you Something. Where he is going very fastly, Sushmitha where Aalim is. He is going on this way only, why don't you stop him . Anything serious? Yes , he is going very fast to fight with Veer .

Aalim stop why you are fighting like this. How dare he say that please come with me to stop it . Because only the two of them are fighting, please stop it .

Aalim come with do not make it a very big problem, why you are behaving like this , come with me now. All of you who first shut up never talk wrongly about Sushmitha , she is my friend. If I see any one hurt her or talk badly , my punishment for you is very bad . After this girl comes to our school everything will be changed , Aalim please don't get into problems. I do not worry what others talk about me, but for me your life is a must , you are a topper of the school. Studies are must , if any mistakes now you have done means. It affects your dream and career, Sushmi. I am sorry.

Aalim came with me to the clinic, blood bleeding from your nose came , doctor kira . Yes what happened to them why blood bleeding at their face, they both fought . Sushmitha I am also your friend. I am too injured, but you care about Aalim only. You need to be with me only Sushmi, okay fine I show care to you both. Doctor gave me the antibiotic cream , it may create a little bit of itching sensation. Come here why you are applying like this please apply gently, Veer come here. Do not you feel an itching sensation, no it's so nice . Oh really then I apply more , if you fight again like this and if I know I am the reason for it means I give punishment to you like this.

© ammukrishna