

there are 2 best friends.One is gay and the other is straight the gay one is Josh the other is Mikeale. They decide to go to a hotel called vercanstay......Once they get there they realize that it is scechy. But they go anyway. They go up to floor 14. I'm so excited!Josh said exclaiming. Mikeale chuckles nervously,Me too.. Whell........ Race you too the top!!! says Josh. Hey not fair!Explains Mikeale.The residents come up to deliver their stuff and whisper to them "good luck "..The room went dead silent. Then they leave. Josh says to Mikeale that was weird.Ya tell me about it says mikeale.. They go through the bags and realize...that ther PHONES ARE NOT IM THE BAGS!!!!! They start to panic. Then they try to leave but the doors are locked from outside! They scream HELP!! HELP!!! Nothing.. Then ther is banging on the door. They feel relieved only to find out....It was the manager with a NIFE!! They scream again but louder.Still nobody here's them.He gets closer.