

It was the day when I was visiting a temple with my family and my father was parking his car . We were in a hurry that is why he parked The car in front of a poor man .

It only took 5 minutes for us to vist the temple and come back . So my father didn't worried about the poor man . He was only holding a basket , but he yelled so loudly saying " Are you mad , are you a blind can't you see me , you are stopping the customers to come towards me , Shame on you ". My father was very angry by listening that . For 5 minutes who much customers would we stopped, but the poor person didn't listened to him and yelled again and again.

In poor are considered to be very innocent , blameless and the ones which are not clever like others. But Nowadays it has changed poor people or broken are enough healthy to work in some fields but they don't really want to , if they have a option to sit on roads and gain money so why should they work . That time I realized that broken are not the same like the old ones they are the
© @Stutijaiswal