

More than Friends
Michelle has been fantasizing about a man who she cant have but wish she did. michelle has been un happy in the relationship with her fiancee, but feels trapped and cant get out of the relationship because she needs him in her life and cant survive without him.

when the neighbours moved out the house next door went up for sale only for a week and then looking out her window something catches her eye, it's only the man she fantasised about, when he looks up michelle hides behind behind the curtain in her daughters bedroom and exhaled heavily.

The next day it was a hot day and her fiancee tom was out doing the front garden. Michelle went to give him a kiss before she goes for her run. all asudden as she comes round the corner the man she has been fantasizing about looked straight into her eyes and smiled happily and said hello how are you. I'm very well thank you. you off for a run he said. yes. umm im going later for my run. Michelle smiles, putting her headphones in and starts her run.

a few weeks past and Michelle's mother phoned and said have you heard about wayd, what about him, well I was speaking with his mother and it slipped out that he is in love with you. Haha she laughs hysterically, you are having me on, this is a joke right. no Michelle he is truly deeply in love with you.

Michelle felt she couldnt face him so she tried to avoid him as much as possible. leaving the house before nine o clock in the morning and getting back home just before dinner. it wasnt long before he catches up with michelle. while lying in the sun at the local park he approaches from behind her, sitting right next to Michelle on the bank. wayd said " I see you are trying to avoid me" Michelle takes a few deep breaths and said no, not at all, denying it. wayd doesnt believe Michelle but dont understand why she is avoiding him but he isnt going to push her. what ways doesnt know is that she is avoiding him because she doesnt know how to approach him knowing he is in love with her and it would be awkward with tom.

wayd and tom became close and good friends. tom came in the once and said wayd has invited the three of us for a barbecue on saturday and I agreed. Michelle really didnt want to go but didnt want to say no.
saturday night came we went next door and through to the garden. while there wayd spoke to me but didnt really know what to say, so I just responded to what he was telling me. after a year of speading time together getting to know one another wayd and Michelle got closer and closer so close that they both fell in love and one evening while round to watch a series together one thing led to another. they both cuddled up to one another and wayd kissed her a passionate kiss all asudden they both made passionate love and after Michelle went home and couldnt stop thinking about there night together. after a month Michelle starts to feel nauseous and finds it difficult to eat but doesnt think much of it. six months past and Michelle feels movement inside her belly when she looks in the mirror she sees a small bump. oh my, am I she said to herself and runs to the shop and take a test but doesnt take it back home as if she is pregnant it is not Tom's its wayd's. after waiting patiently for the response she thinks about phoning wayd but is not so sure and what and how to tell him that she has a bump and may or may not be having his baby. the results are in it's a positive result, Michelle starts to cry as this changes everything, her relationship with tom and friendship with wayd. how did it get to this it was just a stupid fling with me and wayd and ment nothing, where do I go from here, what do i do. so many questions. while thinking of what to do she goes for a long stroll to think of her options. all asudden her phone rings, its ways oh no I'm not answering it so she declined the call, ten mins later the phone goes again and then half an hour later then she turns the phone off and heads home ready to pick up her daughter. the following weeks go by and her belly starts to move a lot and is getting bigger and tom starts to notice so she lies about that shes been stuffing her face with junk food. he believes her for now. it's time to tell wayd. after tom leaves for work she calls wayd he answers quit quickly Michelle what's going on why are you not answering my calls and messages I even came to your door left letters what's wrong I'm going out my mind of worry. wayd we need to talk. oh he said sounds serious. are you free this afternoon. I'm free now would you like me to come round, no I'll come to you. ok I will see you soon. Michelle goes to the door and burst into tears, inside she shows him a quick glimpse of her bump. what he said, you are pregnant. Michelle walks over to the table by the sofa. wow I was not expecting that, what tom saying about this. he doesnt know, what, why. I cant tell him, I'm sorry I'm not following wayd walks over to the table and looks at Michelle. why havent you told him she'll. she crys grabbing a tissue from the table wiping her tears. come on dont cry you should be happy. I cant be. why not. it's not his baby, it's yours. wayd goes silent and sits down slowly in shock putting his hand on his forehead. say something. oh my I dont know what to say shell it's a shock to the system, this changes everything, your relationship and us. US, yeah us. I mean we cant be just friends after this you know. oh my what you saying, I'm not sure what I'm saying or even thinking at the moment. Michelle pull the chair out and sits down. are you saying this is the end of us our friendship. WHAT. no no absolutly not I'm saying we need to find a future I cant have someone else bring up my baby, our baby I mean that's not right. I know. you have to talk to tom. what are you serious, I cant do that and you also cant live a lie. talk to him he needs to know. Michelle didnt know how to tell tom it was just too difficult. wayd saw Michelle hanging her washing up. hey he shouts so did you talk to him. no. why not. I dont know what to say. well find a way cause I am not going to allow another man to bring my baby up, you tell him or I will. Michelle panics and said it was a mistake with us. how can you say that do you know how much I love you. shhh he will here you. I dont care it's about time he knew the truth. wayd, wayd she shouts as he walks in to the house slaving the back door. up stairs he looks down to see tom and Michelle close cuddling and kissing. wayd losses his temper, screams in anger and smashes his lamp as he flings it on the floor then slides besides his bed and sobs on the floor crying. the next thing is a knock at the door. the next thing wayd runs down stairs and knocks on the door. tom answers, tom we need to talk. Michelle just going to go for a walk with wayd. Michelle runs to the door and shouted wayd. WHAT, please dont, you never told him. I will, I will just give me time. time you kidding, you have had seven months to tell him and me. for three months I didnt know. please just give me a little more time. fine you have till the end of the day, three o clock or I will. ok. Michelle panicked and rushed to a housing estate agency to get a quick property but she could not get an emergency move today but know she had to find away, so she asked her mother to put them up. when Michelle told tom he was heartbroken and within twenty four hours Michelle and her daughter moved out. wayd tried to call her but he didnt here from her. when it was the scan wayd showed up sat next to her and was really frustrated. wayd what you doing, what I am doing what are you doing you leave without a good bye. you put me in a difficult position and all i had was my mum to help. oh my are you kidding I would have you and your daughter in a heart beat, I love you cant you see that, you mean everything to me and would do anything for you. I'm sorry, yeah I hope so cause you broke my heart. they both was over the moon to see the baby on the screen perfect and healthy and is a girl. they both always wanted a girl. eight weeks later she was born and wayd and michelle moved into a small cottage in the countryside with a huge garden and later got married and have never been happier.