

The ugliest donut
One day a baker baked a donut. The donut smelled lovely but it looked ugly. So the baker threw it away.

The donut was sad, so he asked the baker where he can get glitter to put on him.The Baker said:"Ho, ho, ho! You need more than glitter to make you prettier." "Like what?" asked the donut. "Like the rainbow heart." answered the baker. The donut:"What's that?" The baker:"That, my little donut, is a very rare stone that can make anything or anyone the most prettiest thing or human being in the world. " The donut:" So where can I get this rainbow heart?" "On the top of Table Mountain."
replied the man. So the donut walked to Table Mountain.

Four days later the donut got the rainbow heart. He didn't know what to do with it, so he went to the baker to ask him how it works. While he walked, the rainbow heart started to shine, as bright as the sun. In one minute he was the most prettiest donut in the world.

The end

© Phoebe