

--------------------------POV- CAMILA FREED
"Don't look at her, she is a witch. She will curse you," my mom scolded me when I was 15 years old. My family is too rigid and orthodox. They believe in witchcraft, curses, black magic, etc., but people like us in the new generation don't give a damn about that.

"Mom, stop it already. She is such a kind lady. Why are you talking bad about her?" I argued with her.

"You won't believe me. One day you will regret it," she furiously took my plates away and rushed towards the kitchen.

Of course, let me tell you, in front of our house, there is a beautiful lady who lives there. Her house was too close to the dense forest of our hometown. When she arrived here, it was quite peaceful. She was kind, rich, and willing to teach kids in our village. But a strange phenomenon began to happen in our village after she arrived, known as 'The curse of the smiling lady.' So, whenever she smiled at a teenager, whether a boy or girl, they were found dead in the forest.

First, everyone thought that it was nothing. Then, upon further investigation of their bodies, they found that the heart was missing. Basically, the people came to a conclusion that it was done by a witch who was hiding in the village, and that she was the one responsible. The people in our village filed a complaint against her. They investigated her, but found nothing. From that day onwards, everyone in the village treated her very aggressively.

She was banned from public meetings in our village. Some people trusted in her innocence, but unfortunately, they weren't loyal to her. But for me, I am the only one who she interacts with. I know her personally. But people began to gossip about me and give me advice. I ignored them all. That's why my mom scolded me.

"You are grounded," my mom scolded me. Suddenly, my dad rushed towards me. He came and hugged me, "Thank God you are safe," he said.

"What happened?" my mom asked.

"Again, we found a body in the woods. It was Sasha."

Next, our daughter, I am afraid she will target Camila. My mom argued with my dad.
"She is a witch, I will kill her with my own hands," my dad shouted in the hall.
I feel unbelievable about Sasha's death.
Soon, we attended her funeral.

There, everyone decided to burn that smiling lady in our village. I was shocked to learn that the villagers were planning to kill her. How can they do that? What if she is innocent?
With a determined mind, I rushed towards her house. It was foggy that evening. I rang the doorbell, and she opened it for me. Then, soon, I shut the door.

"Why did you come to me?" she shouted at me.
In front of her, I was emotionless.
"Haven't you satisfied enough? How many kids do you want to kill? How many sacrifices do you want to make? You've spoiled my life... I hate you... Today, I will expose you, you bloody witch," she angrily shouted at me.
At that moment, I came to the realization that I am the hidden witch. Yes, it's my crime. My first victim was my own sister, then her beloved friend. This beautiful lady knows the truth, that's why I hide under her cover. It was me who created and manipulated everyone in the village with rumors. I chuckled at her in a weird way.

Thank you... I will help you soon to meet your sister in heaven.

"You witch!" she rushed at me with a sharp knife.

At that moment, I opened the door and ran towards the crowd who had rushed there to burn her alive.

"Mom... Dad... She..." I hugged them. The crowd was in a rage.

"No... It's not me... I am not the witch you are looking for..."

Suddenly, everyone attacked her with weapons. They burned her house. Inside that fire, they threw that lady. I heard her screams of pain.

It's okay, baby... The witch is gone, they console me. At that moment, I give them a beautiful smile. Inside the hearts of the victims I killed, all is safe too. After all, I am the smiling lady. Smiling is my specialty, anyway.

© canon77