

The Messiah of the world
In my life I experienced rainbows radiate upon my life...I experiencd Jesus! Jesus is like a magnificent rainbow..watching over us...reflecting beautiful colours(His beauty, kindness..love..etc) into the world.

Jesus is the Messiah of this world..He is my hero and the saviour of the world..My dream was to study medicine..but it didn't materialize...but I'm in the process of writing inspirational books..glorifying God..for saving my life...after suffering from a killer condition called fat...embolism..according to Medical statistics no one survives this condition.. very few survive...I was that very few that survived..and as I'm writting this I have shivers run through me..because its like I'm reliving that miraculous touch from God ...twenty years ago...Doctors had failed to save my life...but God came to my rescue...

So I'm glad I'm still achieving my dream..because the main reason I wanted to become a doctor...was to help people ..and by these writtings ..I know I'm helping people ..by sharing my story with them..

God could have easily not saved my life...when I lyed on the ventilator for over a month...but He did save me...This indicates how much He delights in me..and if you are facing problems today ...like sickness or an incurable disease..or perhaps you are facing financial problems..etc..my advice to you is Jesus is the answer ..He can turn your morning into dancing and your sorrow into joy...God delights in you too...God is a God of mercy and love for His children.

Never lose hope...for the Messiah of the world..Jesus Christ is alive forever more and because He lives ..we can face tomorrow...Never lose hope..in Jesus..Always believe in the Messiah of the world..