

Imaginary friend
A little girl named Amber loves to play with her new imaginary friend. She calls him "Sam " and she makes up stories about him. She believes that he is her friend for real. Little Amber was a shy and quiet girl who had no real friends. She was bullied at school and no one wanted to be friends with her. Little Amber was always depressed and had alot of low self esteem. She doesn't like being around people and would always stay in her room any chance she got. Eventually she met Sam her imaginary friend and they've been inseparable since. She'd talk with him for hours spending alot of time in her room. She believed he was real but nobody believed her when she tells them they all laughed making fun of her. Until one day they saw him when she had invited everyone from school to prove he was real but he wasn't there. All the kids burst out laughing calling her a loser till the lights in the room starts flickering and infront of them stood Sam. He threatened them saying if they ever bother her again they'd pay very badly. Since that day they never bother her again.
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