

I am thinking
this is where we are.......
after every dark night there is bright morning, after bad dream there is good dream, as everyone says after failure there is success. I don't know what success means but the age I M today which is 18 years here the definition of success is not profound , for me it is money or rich lifestyle . Which is usually everyone's definition at my age . here is a short introduction of female protagonist who is going to cover this book journey with you she is white BEAUTY having brown short hairs and eyes, measurring her height to a normal fridge size not the shape she is slim with perfect body .

Need is a bad thing that can devastate your energy and focus. Sometimes life circle around only on one thing, you fill stucked and have nothing in your hands, there is invisible burden which continuosly flow like water with no destiny. you sleep with that and wake up again with the same pressure. every day you try to step out from that pressure but it holds you like magnet.

luke is a simple girl , she is thiest and religious believe in karma, live with one simple rule and that is : never do anything that makes other people hurt , if you are happy and the other ten's are not then your happiness is not worth. She is a good girl always listen to her parents and yuuh more obedient to her father . luke thinks that we humans are almost same in imagination in thought process, opinions and views most of the time but people don't say what they really want to and that inner soul thought of every human being findes no outer door . she always thinks that her dream world is better than her real world .

Understanding that our dreams reflect our real life experiences , if the girl wants to shape her dream life into adventurous, fantasy, dark and daring,or into fairyland she has to make her everyday world more vibrant with excitement and wonder .

luke always thinks that her dream world is better than her real world, for that female protagonist wants to see something unreal in her real world that she cannot currently experience, but she desire to experience those thing's in. her dream world so that they compel her to manifest them in her future reality. when she discovered that she preferred world of dreams she thought why not explore it ? she begane experiencing pleasant things in reality and changed her mindset accordingly. If I tell you about her first dream which was about a white flying creature her companion and they were in the gallary, whatever she asked, said or want ,for her there was nothing he couldn't do.

The world in which we reside we think that there are people who will listen to your voice or pay attention or do what you like but reality is complete opposite of dream , nothing works here as per your choice. People will promise and after sometime it stands broken. I don't want to curse society I am understanding myself that the need to Want also include desire to give but here , nothing works this parallel .

a started thinking more about her dreams and she decided to make permanent memories of best dreams of her . she is now a dream girl who having the power to form any dream . During her childhood she never dreamt because God never granted her sleep . She hoped for sleep to come, she tried explaining this to her parents but no one understood her . while everyone slept peacefully & she remained awake. God is enigmatic, When he withheld her sleep he granted it back with beautiful dreams and superficial power of controling her fictional world .

Controlling dreams depends on consciousness power , because here you need to be present in both dream and real world . Before going to sleep she decide subject or try to picturise alluring images , songs , conversations , movie clips , force her brain and do brain talk which she thinks going to help her dreaming of her choice And yes it actually does. She wants herself to get trapped into gigantic open sky sleep on the wind and flies to another different Cosmos where there is no come back but already the oppressive voice from real world and walls of her reality holds her back. And that oppressive voice is her mom's she always interrupts at the wrong time and everything shatters right there. Now she wants to back there again.

Good Memories of past that we always hold with us , sometimes we often yearn to revisit moments, longing for carefree days , thinking about our happiest moments often brings sense of contentment. I think you should sometime enjoy things which is against to your world listening to your heart is not stupidity , but this girl she always suppress her innermost self just to get fit into somewhere she doesn't belong in despite knowing deep down it's wrong. this girl is different she wants to live every minute of hour so to explore complete of herself she decided to live completely into dream world. like can you imagine your whole life into dream which starts with only one thought and is extended d just like formation of cells in a body, from one thought to another a whole new world can be created. Just like in the case depression where you find nowhere to go , same thing happened with her she lost herself there .

My life in a dream....
luke started groundwork on how to step in something where no human race , no real voice , no authentic scenery, no society, no true feelings (while her view on feelings of real world is exactly opposite). Everything will get created by her thoughts and real world memories, because dreams are something that get formed only from what you seen or experienced. You all dream but have never experienced death whenever any action or movement you go to die suddenly you wake up because you don't know what happens after death which even science hasn't been able to figure out yet. luke knows if she enters the come back doors never get opened. Finally she steps there now what ?

whatever luke already imagined about dream world , she will experience more than that.We are here..... The are many mysterious doors in here , the first door of her new born dream life is free of charge she opened that door and she saw her own birth of in her real life. which was also her first door that was unconfined . She looked at herself (baby) a small beautiful girl with magical eyes ,small shell pink lip ,tiny hands and legs moving fast like..........the pain of her mom ,the smile on faces with seriousness curiocity of knowing is it boy or a girl of, her grandmother her father, they were so happy.

I think we all in our life at some point have that longing to revisit childhood a time free from worries and struggles where happiness was abundant, it is possible if you have .......... power you could possibly make this happen but you can only recall memories from the time when you started to form them
typically around the age of 4 or 5 ofcourse we can't remember being one or 2 year old because our memory development husn't been fully begin at that age . As we grow old we remembere the experiences we have accumulated over the years . So when we dream of our childhood it's limited to the memories we have already stored. Speaking of the character how she dreamt? she has God blessings.

After experiencing first door dream. Luke thought to go back to her people now she is in delima thousands of questions puzzled her is it worth to spend every second of life here, she is alone every thing here is insensible lifeless artificial

she closed her eyes asked herself and had two answer for her questions to stay or leave, the first one her brain spoke - My dear in real world you were to emotional ,caring, looking for others, alone ,maybe unhappy, but you can have whatever you desire ,you look to, you can switch on happiness , you are the creator here .
And now her heart spoke - listen sweety , it's a bad idea to live here , your family your friends, how would you make here without them.being emotional caring person is not a bad think,I don't think you could progress here.

have you ever thought to listen to your dream or have you ever did anything your dream asked to , I know its impractical but doing it to make it practical is something different
it's now her decision which will definitely decide her destiny , story continue........