

Happy Birthday to me.
Jesus Christ at his 33 years suffered the most ignominy and the most shameful death for me, at his 33 he lazes older than his age to the point that the Pharisees when he told them before Abraham was I am, answered him how Could it be if you're not even 50 yet? This meant that at 33 he looked much older than his age. It all made sense, his appearance more than his age had been for a purpose. He was an interchange, he let himself be older than his age for me, so that at my 33 I could look younger than my age. He made himself unclean for, so that I would be clean. He could not look like his age since he had carried all my sins on him. he did this so that I could enjoy perfect health and youth into Eternity. He did this so that the 103 spalm could work on me. Jesus Christ at his 33 years brought all my sins far away, at the foot of the cross, he died and went with all my impurity at the foot of the cross and when he returned from conquering death and Hades, he made me rejuvenate and pure like him. Jesus at his 33 seemed old so that at my 33 I could enjoy a perfect youth like him.

He took our infirmities and he took charge of our illnesses and by his bruises we were healed.

Thank you my God for allowing me to celebrate another new year of life. Thank you my God for allowing me to havr your age. 33 means a lot to me. Thank you my almighty God.

Happy birthday to me.
© RebChrist888