

How a perverse narcissist turn someone in his flying monkey?
If you meet a perverse narcissist undercover, you will know Satan 100%. The perverse narcissists mirror their narcissistic father Satan very well.

For a narcissist to turn you into his flying monkey, he has to seduce you and make you see reality in another way. And for him to seduce you, you have to stop and listen to him and you have to accept what he tells you about the other. It is not necessary to accept everything, you only need to accept just a little bit and here you are falling into his trap. Here you are the enemy of a person you never knew without knowing exactly the reason. Here you are, turned into an emotional vampire like the perverse narcissist.

The perverse nary makes you feel that you will have some advantages if you are going to attack the victim. He will paint the victim in a way to the flying monkey and he will explain to the flying monkey telling him: if you do this to the victim,the reaction that the he/she will give you will be in such way. The flying monkey go and attack the victim and wait for the reaction that the perverse narcissist paints in his mind. When the victim reacts very differently from what the narcissist said, the flying monkeys sometime become very aggressive towards the victim.

The flying monkeys are confused and to get rid of that tattoo that they already have in their mind, it is going to take a lot of work. The flying monkey is sometimes going to feel bothered, ashamed, humiliated, confused and it depends on what type of victim the perverse narcissist commands to attack, he can also get hurt.

The perverse narcissist is going to tell you a lie or half truth to go and attack his victim and if the victim knows himself very well and knows the perverse narcissist very well, you as fly monkey can get hurt instead of the victim . When the narcissist sending you like this with a fabricated lie to attack someone you don't know is like sending you into a war without a weapon.

How you can make sure that does not happen to you to be a flying monkey of a perverse narcissist?

Do not repeat much about what a crowd says about someone without knowing him/her. By repeating things that you do not know, you may be giving your approval in the destruction of a him without knowing.

Does not go around repeating things that you have never seen. If a person wants to make you enter into a conversation that you do not know in depth about someone, it is better to leave or change the conversation or speak with all your heart in a positive way about this person because you don't know him/ her. Today can be this person and tomorrow you.

Another thing, if you see your neighbor is in a bad situation where everyone is slandering him/her, instead of being part of that group of people who are saying bad things about him/ her become part of those who pray for him/her and God will bless you because of this great gesture you did about someone else.

© RebChrist888