

Vehicle Moon Sun
When riding in four wheeler or more than that vehicle like car at any time like in Morning or Day Time or in night, Sun if in daytime and moon if in night time will be always there with us which in parallel runs with vehicle, it never leaves us in middle road or path. It always accompanied with us which continues it's Journey and keep moving in Direction of our vehicle until we reach to our Destination Location or Place. We need to keep fix our eyes through window of vehicle at the sky then we can observe movement and running. There is no rest in any point of road until vehicle is stopped. It is always available to our eyes and to us. It just demands getting noticed and observation from our side. There is a constant connection through window till end of journey to destination. It is just like our best friend or any favorite person who never leaves us even in our bad or hard or difficult time who always stays with us forever and always available whenever is needed.
© Arka Samanta