

Broken Family.
"How does it feel to have a broken family? "

A friend asked as if it wasn't a big deal, without minding how sensitive I am when it comes to my family. I still gave her answers though...

"It will put you on a bridge over the ravine. You must not move, be remained at the middle to balance yourself. It's like you're in the middle of a small and weak bridge and your parents are on both sides. You're stuck, well you have to be. For if you chose one over another, the family you used to have and the home you created will be abandoned. Everything will be ruined in a single blow. It will change, and be forgotten in one wrong move. We, as their children are the connections that bind our parents. We are the only hope of ourselves. But the hope needs to hope again although nothing seems working. Parents in this situation should give consideration to their children's feelings before breaking the connection—before breaking their child. For a family is not just about fathers and mothers. Not even just about the father's authority and mother's responsibility. It explains so much. Therefore, in every broken family, children are the most vulnerable ones."

"and if you are asking me how's it feel having a broken family. Well, it feels nothing now. For it already killed me."

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