

Dating Him Ch.9

Outside the hotel was hot and busy.He held my arm and suggested we stroll.I smiled and followed.
I was half happy as I needed to show some anger before peace could reign.Him knew what I was trying to do.He made sure my plans fail.

"Daddy, I'm upset." I started with a very serious face.
Him looked at me straight into the eyes and said:

"Darling,you're bigger than this ain't you?"

Just then his phone rang.When he picked I heard a female voice...Him's wife I thought.

He let go my arm and got very serious.

''Sweetheart any thing would do for dinner.Don't touch my documents I'll know how to fix them once I'm back please.I'm in the office but I'll soon leave to meet David and his new wife for the dinner I told you about remember ?You know I hate it when you worry too much.Hug the kids I'll be back soonest."

He was visibly very much in love with his wife.I was embarrased.I pretended to be busy on my phone.Honestly I don't even know what I was doing.
Incidents like this were very frequent in our six year old complex relationship.I was just to myself staying very far from Him when his wife was around.Him being a very good husband will not take chances when it came to his wife.That was rule number one.
At one point I seemed it to be desperate because I stayed stuck to the rules for as long as six years.
We had never met each other.I had never made a scandal and Him was the most orderly human being I had known in my whole life.

While Him was still on his phone talking to his wife, I was thinking about my life of late.I was growing old and needed to have my own kids.When he dropped the call,he took my arm once again looked at me and said:

"Would you be my guest tonight darling?"

"Guest?" I replied surprised.

"Yes my guest". He said smiling.

" What have I been all this while.I thought the hotel name said it all?" I replied laughing.

"I'm serious honey.Answer me." Him cut through.

I felt he was serious so I gave him the answer he needed.

He held me tight in the street and burst into tears...
© Abigail Ekangouo