

To You:
"Strangers are friends that we didn't meet yet."

That's us. That's how our fate started. A new year starts. A new page of our story turned. The past pages were left behind but never forgotten. We moved on and starts anew. Meeting new faces was not easy. Creating new bonds and connections was definitely hard but we did it anyway. With flying colors I may say. At first we were awkward but that's expected, right? Days passed. And weeks. Until it became months. As the clock continues to run, our bonds grew stronger every passing minute. We clicked so much that it became surreal. We understand or rather ' try ' to understand each other making us more formidable to break apart and dependable to everyone. We compliment each other making us the ultimate bunch of students our department ever had. We have different qualities, and we don't really fit a mold; in fact we go out of our way to be our own. That's why we became the known 'Vovo Gang' right? We simply don't sit right by being boring and being a simple followers. We follow what we want but with righteousness. Sometimes, we bend rules borderline breaking it. We do things together and have fun like there's no tomorrow. I'm glad that I was given the chance to be your friend. Hopefully, this bond of ours, I wish they would last forever.

"Not one, but all. Not alone, but together". That's us, Vovo Gang.

© rrevi