

August 6
I was always the one who was alone.
My parents said I just had trouble making friends. But what if i didnt want to make friends? Everytime I did, they stabbed me in the back some way or another. So whats the point? Your just gonna eventually stop talking to them. So what's the point in investing your time into a friendship that will end at some point?

Sometimes my step dad and I would sit on the front porch waiting for some kid that looks my age to walk by. Just so I could awkwardly introduce myself to them. They eventually gave up on trying to help.

So, last year, I decided to make some friends. Now a year later, they have all ghosted me. So now im just tired of the same thing happening everytime.

Oh well, I dont really care anymore anyways. I guess

Love, Sav ♡
© Savannah