

Written Love Letter
I am dreaming of writing her a love letter. Perfectly arranged with outlines and sentences honoring her name. Every word will be sweet like a honeycomb beehive, naturally the same. The texture would be quite sticky, written memories sublime. I will take her through a journey, within a fairy tale we will dwell inside. Romantically reinventing the landscape of love. With purity and devotion, the emblem a beautiful white dove. Some words will be expressive. Other words will sway her body to sleep. Her beauty is contextualized in every written verse. I shall begin with the sunrise. Then I would. Extend every syllable into a beautiful, romantic ending. I shall commit to paper, written with a quilted feather, emerged into an ink blot, carefully inscribing her name. The movement will be magical, every step taken will be a masterpiece from the past. Alas, she will be waiting. To refill my hourglass. With sand taken from a tropical beach. Where palm trees are likely to sway. Midnight was fantastic. Two souls interacting. Proceeding where we haven't been. Our journey or the story will never be retold. Sincerely written with love.
© Daniel Mason