

Happy Birthday Dad in Heaven 🫂
Planting Jasmine and Hibiscus flowers in honour of your memory Dad.
(Jasmine for you were an ardent devotee of Hanumanji and Hibiscus for your faith in Bappa who helped remove many obstacles in your life)

Your first birthday marked with permanent absence and a deep void in our heart where each day we try to find different ways to accept this reality.
Your life was a gift to our family and in gratitude we shall nurture these flowers to blossom through the legacy of your love and warmth you left behind in our hearts and memories.

You let us bloom unconditionally and provided us everything to the best of your ability. I hope you find comfort in the arms of God and some day we shall meet. Till then we will learn to live one day at a time and to the fullest with your memories.

Yesterday was s Panchami tithi which completesd 6 months of your departure to another world leaving us mortal souls behind to gather our scattered pieces.
Had you been around, we would have celebrated your birthday today together but fate had some other plans.

Happy Birthday Dad in Heaven 🫂 Someday I will make peace but as of now it's a storm brewing in my soul which screams often your name.

#dad #birthdayinheaven #lostchild
© Rreena Sharma