

Sexual Therapy
Sherry Billings was growing impatient, her client was late. Not a great way to make a good first impression. She drummed her pen aimlessly on her desk. Rearranged her plaque with her name engraved in gold the words licensed sexual therapist also in gold just below it. The door creaked then slowly pushed in. A nervous face peeked in the room from behind the door. Then a small woman stepped from the doorway a sheepish grin on her face. “ sorry im late I had a hard time finding the building and then parking was just awful.” “well im glad you finally made it my name is Ms. Billings please have a seat.” The little woman scooted quickly and sat her self in the green velvet chair in front of sherry’s massive oak desk. “ Becky, Becky Thomson, nice to meet you.” She thrust out a diminutive hand, sherry looked at it but did not take it. “ I see that you filled out your paperwork in advance good thing too since you were late.” The woman’s nervous grin widened. Sherry was kinda taken aback she had perfect teeth resting beneath her slightly quivering darkened lips. Sherry eyed this small feminine creature before her, she was her first and only female client. Sherry wasn’t even really sure where to start. She was used to chronic masturbaters, men that wanted to fuck their mother in law. Male sex fiends compelled to act out the deed, men who couldn’t get it up anymore, most of the time when they pulled the worn picture of their loving wives out of their wallets she knew exactly what the issue was. Men with all kinds of fetishes they wanted to remove or better control and even the occasional pedophile that had managed to keep the urges under wraps long enough to make it to therapy before they slipped and found themselves in jail. Boring horny ridiculous men flowed through her neat office all day long. Yet here sat this tiny fairy of a woman grinning stupidly at her with her perfect white teeth. “ well lets make this simple could you explain to me um.. Becky was it what brings you to my office today?” The smiling impish woman looked down and the smile faded. “ well Ms. Billings me and my husband are having difficulties, he insisted I see someone about it and you came so highly recommended and I’ve read your book pretty intense stuff in there.” Sherry raised an eyebrow then glanced at the copy of her best selling book she kept in the book case next to the door. She smiled to herself reading its title silently. The sexual Beast: the ins and outs of male sexuality. “ well yes the book yes but you’re going to have to give me a better explanation than difficulties with your husband, you’ll have to be specific.” “ well umm.” The tiny woman blushed deep crimson and then cleared her throat. “ well im just haven’t been very interested in sex lately my husband thinks there’s something wrong with a wife not wanting to please her husband you know sexually so he told me to find some help.” “has this just been a recent difficulty or has it been going on for a while? You know it’s not unusual for arousal level to shift as we age or have our needs change over time and such. Why don’t you tell me what’s been happening and ill see I can offer any useful help ok?” So the tiny woman started to prattle on about the lost interest in her husband and the stress it was causing and how all she wanted to do was be a good wife and keep her hard working husband happy. Sherry glanced at her wall clock, the minutes where going by painfully slow and Becky continued to ramble about her husbands stressful work and staying on top of bills and on and on and on. With five minutes left sherry put up her hand to stop the endless droning. The woman fell silent and looked down. Sherry picked up her pen and opened her appointment book. “ well Becky your husband has paid for three sessions in advance and those payments are none refundable so we might as well schedule another session. What day and time would work for you?” Becky pulled out her cell phone and poured over her calendar himing and hawing over a free day finally they settled on Wednesday of next week and the week after next at the same time. Sherry closed her appointment book as Becky looked at her smiling sheepishly again. “ it was nice to meet you Becky looking forward to seeing you again next week we should be able to do something about your sexual difficulties just try and be on time next session hmm?” “ yes Ms. Billings ill be sure to leave earlier so I can be on time, thank you for you assistance im looking forward to the next session as well thanks for listening .” Becky got up quickly a scurried towards the door she was about to walk out when she hesitated then turned around and in a very quiet almost frightened voice she looked at sherry and said” my husband would be mortified if he knew I was telling you this but I think I may already know what the crux of the issue might be.” “and what might that be Mrs. Thomson?” “ well um…” She cleared her throat again this time it seemed to be dry and tight “ well it might be because all I want to do sexually is be with and completely satisfy another woman.” And with that last statement still hanging heavy in the still air she turned and hurried out the door pulling it closed tightly behind her. Sherry leaned back at her desk a mild smirk on her face. Well this seems to have just gotten a bit more interesting than I thought it was going to be she mused to herself. I can’t wait tell hubby finds out she thought as she waited for her next client to darken her door. She opened the appointment book again looking at Becky’s next session and finally softly admitted to herself she would be secretly genuinely looking forward to the next session with the diminutive Becky as well.
Wednesday slowly rolled around and sherry sat her hands clasped in front of her thin face. Bet she’s late again she thought as Becky’s allotted time begin to to approach. She was about to become annoyed again when a somewhat out if breath and slightly red faced Becky pushed through the door. The sheepish smile was back. Sherry nodded at the green chair and Becky quickly reacted to the silent command sherry had given her. The tiny woman with the perfect teeth was again sitting in front of her. Becky nervously smoothed her rumpled clothes wrinkle by her hasty journey to sherrys office. Becky seemed a timid and a bit more reserved this time around. Sherry looked her over then broke the heavy silence. “ how are we doing today Becky any major changes in the difficulties you mentioned last time. Becky hung her head then heaved a tired sigh and looked up at sherry her eyes on the verge of tears. Sherry was a little surprised at this sudden rush of emotion, in an urge that was totally out of character for her she felt like she wanted to embrace this tiny crying figure that was sitting so miserably in front of her. “ o sherry it’s been just awful, my husband he’s been so angry.” She sobbed sherry pushed the box of Kleenex she kept on her desk for just such occasions forward towards Becky who reached up with a trembling hand and pulled several sheets loose. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. Again staring at this tiny sobbing person sherrys typically hard no nonsense demeanor started to soften she wanted to reach out an comfort the hurting little being before her. Becky look up at sherry and their eyes locked for just a moment before Becky again dropped her head and sobbed into her Kleenex as she again started to talk. “ my husband has been completely ignoring me ive been so lonely, so I went online to find someone anyone to talk to. So I was in a chat room and this older women started talking to me she was so wise and and kind and I told her everything I mean everything. Well she was trying to comfort me and we started talking about feelings then urges then one thing led to another and we ended up trading emails. Well she sent me this very deeply sensual email not perverted or raunchy but just full of passion and feeling. Well like an idiot I printed it and my husband found it he lost it he though it was from some man I told him is was from a woman but that just made things worse he hasn’t talked to me in days we’re sleeping in separate rooms… I just I just I don’t know what to do. I mean what’s wrong with me these urges are just so strong am I crazy? What do I do? “ again sherrys and beckys eyes met locked for longer this time and she could see the pain and confusion in her glaze the tired glaze of a woman who’s life was falling apart. Becky suddenly looked away pawing at her purse and produced a crumpled piece of white paper. Sherry guess this was the tell tale letter the artifact that had crushed this woman’s world. Then she did something that never in a million years she would ever imagine herself doing she stood up leaving her position of power behind the desk and slid around behind becky and gently rested her narrow hands on Becky’s heaving shoulders. Becky didn’t react she sat there looking at the letter. Then without reason or prompting she began to read. The letter was sensual deep loving honest and as Becky’s shaking voice continued to set forth the words and sounds to that accursed letter sherry felt herself moved not by the content of the letter but by the weak injured voice coming from the small woman all the pain of a lifetime of doubt and shame shaped in the tones that penetrated her hard heart, the tears of this wounded woman resonated deep within sherry stern exterior and she herself was moved to tears as both women wept together bound by years of hidden secret pain and in this moment a desire was lit buried far to the back of sherrys subconscious. Sherry was unaware of how long that stayed frozen in that once in a life time moment. She shook her head and wiped her eyes and tried to regain her stern composure. She traveled back behind the desk again a solid barrier between herself and the ball of emotion slumped in her green chair. As she came completely back to her senses she became deeply aware of the louder than normal ticking of her wall clock. Time was up. She coughed loudly and becky too seemed to revive for her trance of emotion. “ Becky dear we’re out of time. I would suggest you stay at a friends house tonight if you can if you can’t contact a friend stop in the lobby and grab a flyer with the women’s emergency shelter contact information call them and they will arrange someplace safe for you to go ok?” “ o and Becky could you please give me a call and let me know you’re ok once you’re placed and settled promise me you’ll do that.” Becky nodded and slowly rose from the chair the scarlet letter still limp in her hand. She slowly wandered out the door without so much as a word and again pulled the door closed tightly behind her. Sherry sat stunned in her high backed desk chair. She had no idea what she had just experienced nor could she even begin to fathom the repercussions of what had happened in that moment. She vigorously shook her head, and slowly rubbed her face. She was in no mood to put up with the stream of masculinity as she sat through her next few sessions. She sighed, she was starting to lose her patience with the wounded male ego that had been her bread and butter for so many years. She braced herself for finishing out the day slowly realizing that what had transpired in that room today had changed everything but to what end she did not know.
Sherry stared at herself in her vanity mirror, she pulled at the puffy bags beneath she eyes brought on by the flood of raw emotion that had occurred so suddenly in her office that day. She still looked like sherry, her face remained the same, her hair was the same the tone of her skin had no changes. But those dark bags that hung under her over tired eyes where the only physical change that marked the overwhelming sense that the sherry that had gone to work that morning was not the sherry that now stared out at her from her antique mirror. She was a new person forever changed by a single heartfelt instant that she truly shared the pain of other and together they were both transformed into something new.
The dream began. Beckys forever sheepish grim filled her mind the face now filled her with longing a hunger that pulsated as she dreamt. Their spirit forms now swirled in her mind naked and teaming with light and sensual energy. These spirit bodies nude and full of endless passion and possibilities traveled gquickly over the dream fields as sherry slept. She and the energy of Becky danced and weaved forever intertwined in this dreamscape. Together they flowed and floated their bound solidifying in sherry dreaming brain. Their forms alive with electricity. The colors deepened the tones grew richer more sexual. As these beings of light an passion caressed one another pulling and pushing their viscous fluids wet and vibrating. As she felt the essence of Becky penetrate her existence. It filled her with hot voluptuous ecstasy and just as she could uptake no more full and lustfully fresh she was thrown into wakefulness by an orgasm of such strength she felt as if she had left her earthly body and touched the all encompassing joy of heaven itself. She lay there her chest heaving in the dark trying to make sense of it all. As she lay there trying to come to terms with not only what had happened in her office but the wild passion filled dream whose climax had tossed her into the waking world. She rubbed the bed next to her almost expecting Becky to be lying next to her dawn was just approaching and she breathed deeply ready to start her new life with who she now knew was her soulmate her one true love, the tiny sheepish Becky. This was the first day of the rest of her life. When sherry got to work that day she checked her messages and as promised was a message from her. Beloved Becky just the sound of her voice delighted her and filled her with joy. The second message was a cancellation of her first appointment. This filled her with excitement she could go find her true love and profess her undying feelings for her. She hurried back out to the shelter. It was a bland building no fills or a adornments she fluttered through the font door announced she was Becky Thomson’s therapist and needed to speak to her immediately. The desk clerk in formed her the Becky had gone back to the house she shared with her husband to collect some personal effects. The clerk was kind enough the give sherry the address and sherry made her way back to her car in the rush of her life to tell her true love how she felt. As she drove two police cars with full lights and sirens flew past her on there way to some disturbance. Sherry followed the directions provided by her phone and she joyfully drove to her destination. As she reached the end of her journey she noticed that the cops that flew by her earlier had stopped very close to the address that she was seeking and she drew closer her heart sank the disturbance that the police had been rushing to and her journey end where one and the same she pulled in as close as she could as the cops wrestled a man his face contorted with frenzy out of what she could only imagine was Becky’s front door she stopped and leaped from her car but a free officer stopped her before she could get to close. A pair of medics entered the house with a hospital gurney. Sherry stood there for what seemed like an eternity just staring at the house. A sense of absolute dread started to overwhelm her the mind as she surveyed the worrisome scene. Again time seemed to stand still she kept her eyes locked on the dark doorway. Then movement the gurney was being pulled from the house. Whatever was under the sheet that covered was oozing red through it. She started transfixed by what was playing out before her. She strained to see what was happening she watched as the medics pushed the gurney into the waiting ambulance. As the jostled to get the heavy piece of equipment into the back she saw a tiny hand slip out from beneath the sheet it was the same small delicate hand that had pulled wads of Kleenex out of the box she kept on her desk for just such occasions. The horror of what had happened hit her like a freight train. And she fell to her knees as she let out a wail of ultimate suffering. The grief washed through her soul as she realized that her new life and love had been ended before it even had a chance to begin. She had lost her soulmate without ever even being able to share her true feelings with her. She would never again see that sheepish smile that has in the not too distant past lit up her neat office. Her future destroyed forever by one cruel jealous act. In that instant sherry sank into her grief alone never to return.