

I'd like to remind you,
If you're in the assumption that I'll share you my number in next days or years to come and my friend its not true.
I agree that I have had problems solving this issue with you...Okay?
Than I have loved speaking to you it had not caused any obstacle in my career or my studies but...again if you think I'm that girl who falls for anyone than its not true I mean I'm not in love with you let me clear this....I'm just a friend and will definetly remain one.
If you find any emotions in you other than friendship than I'm happy that I'm loved but there more issues to be addressed regarding this.
For example: Religion.
Next I don't want you to feel guilty about anything...I'm still the same.
Next, the reason why I don't share my pictures I have already said I have an identity online as a writter I can't demean it by any means so I trust none when it comes to privacy.
I'm cold hearted, I feel nothing So I felt the urge to type this message so I could make stuff easier for me.
I cannot bear any unnecessary obstacles in my life regarding this.
*I would Like if you discuss this in messages only since I can't place my point easily on calls*

Your friend.

The letter read,
He was tears and peices...Broken to the core he had so many dreams of her and him being together.

But he never wanted to lose her so he rather made an effort by being different by not getting angry over her letter and respecting her privacy.

She already had an Idea that he was the one but yeah the questions from the society would sadden her.

Some stories never get completed, who knows this one might?

© The Grace Roar's.