

My Best Friend ( Her Side of the Story)
Hello, my name is Samantha, but you can call me Sam, the same Sam from Nick's story, or as you know Nicholas. I'll tell you about my story with my best friend, with whom I used to have feelings.
I met Nick when we were eight years old because our mothers were great friends. That's probably one of the reasons we became so close. Since we were children, Nick has always been the one to protect me. He had my back, and I had his. We were like two peas in a pod until I realized I had feelings for him when we were 12 years old. Yes, we were rather young back then. But what can I say? I was young and naive, believing that everything was a fairytale. My feelings grew stronger as we got older, but as time passes, I'm losing faith that he has feelings for me as well.
His friend confessed to me and asked me out when we were 17 years old. I was about to reject him directly at the time, but he cut me off and said, "I know you don't have feelings for me, but at least let me try to convince you and give you more time to decide, and after that you can give me your answer." Yes, I did agree to his suggestion to make Nick jealous, but that wasn't all. I thought he was cute and sweet for the efforts he was making, so I agreed to do what he asked for. But when I told him about the confession, he didn't react at all, so I chose to keep my emotions under control and more on. Me and Nick remained close, but we didn't spend much time together because we were both occupied with other things.
In those day that Nick and I weren't with each other, my husband Jacob or I like to call him Jake, he did his best to convince and did his best to make me fall in love with him. And he did, because of his dedication and everything he did after a 6 months I agreed to date him. During the years that Jake and I was still dating he always his best to make me happy and to make our relationship going, his efforts made me fall in love with him even more. I guess that this is the reason why my feelings for Nick faded, because of my husbands love and his amazing and lovely personality that always amazes me.
Back to the present, when I and Jake were listing who we wanted to invite to our wedding, we mentioned our families, close friends, and when we mentioned Nick, he suddenly laughed and said " You know what, I always taught that you and Nick would end up together seeing how close you were before." I said " Don't be ridiculous how would that happen." laughing it off. " Well you and Nick did have feelings for each other, so people would think that you two are dating seeing how close you two are." Jake said giggling. Leaving me confused and shocked.
But if you ask me if I regret not confessing to him? Well I'm not, because I'm by my husbands side. For me meeting my husband is the best thing to ever happen to me. Let me tell you something once someone's feelings change its hard to change, and it's your choice to regret or live with your decision and be happy.

Not based on a true story but a made-up story.

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