

Today I'm going to share a true story, my story.
This was the day which turned my life to something which I never even though in my dreams. Let me begin from the beginning.
I'm a village boy from a very poor family. I didn't had very big dreams or much things to achieve, or how could one who have just seen his parents straggle for 3 time food. So for me it is more then enough to have food stomach full food.
This day was the most important day of my life, I was so happy that I can't express it in words and why shouldn't I be. After all I'm so close to my dream as if I can tuch it with my hands. I was able to achieve more then what I thought. Now not only Im abel to give my parents good food also a good life. I got a job in very reputed MNC as HR supervisor, it was my first day of jobe. My parents were very happy and proud for me, I was happy for them. It's not only about them now we can be together for ever. Sorry I forgot to mention about Priya my life. We wear in love from the very first day of our college although we never expressed it. We are very good friend and we promised till we achieve something we will be just friends. Today is the day of taking our so long waiting love story to next level.
7:30 AM 10.10.2010
I was very excited and very afraid as I'm so close to my dream. I just pray this should not be a dream which will suddenly break as I get up.
I had many questions in my mind, what to do?How to do? Whom to ask?
When time pass out I couldn't come to know, My first day at work was over.
Days passed to months, I was getting used to the work, my parents wear happy for me, but I was not happy for myself somewhere I was getting separate from my parents from my love. I don't know what was it? Is it the work? Or any other things..,
Nothing was going according to the plan. Now it was very often or become a part of my life POSTPONING EVERYTHING OTHER THEN MY OFFICE WORK. And in the other hand I couldn't say anything to anyone. Although I was doing good in my work but that couldn't make me happy.
I had a problem in my office not any short of work or discrimination. At the beginning it was like so good so humble to me. I was feeling lucky to have a boss like her, so much helpful always by my side, but day by day it was becoming demanding. Miss Anamika I don't know what she liked in me but I could understand from the very first day she tried to be more comfortable withe me. She just needed a way to touch me, keep me around her, this things really made me uncomfortable. But being a new comer I have to deal with all this. But day by day her demands wear growing and becoming more stronger.
After office we had an party and we all have to attend it. So I thought this is my best chance to say to her that how I really feel, and if she won't stop then I have to take steps. Yes I made my mind that if she won't change her behaviour I will complain to HR EXECUTIVE.
9:10 pm
I have informed maa baba to have their dinner and sleep I will be let as I will in the party.
As the party began slowly and steadily it started becoming wild. In this mean time I did tried to catch up with her but I couldn't. And my other colleagues force me to drink. I won't disagree that some where I to wanted to drink, I wanted to feel, that how it feels. But it went over me I lost my sence and I have no idea what was I doing. My body become heavy, everything seems blank..,

MY phone was ringing continually but I couldn't open my eyes any how I managed to turn it off.
Next banging sound from the door, baba was calling me to opened the door. I was in deep sleep, with very much difficulty some how I managed to open the door. In that condition also I could make out that he was in very much tention. But as he sow me his tention turn into anger and sham. Again phone range but this time it wasn't my, this was my father's. I don't know who was in the other side but by the call made baba very much humiliated, he was trying to say something but couldn't. The call was hanged up from the other side. I don't know what was going on, but I could make out that something is wrong.
I asked him is everything all rights? Is maa all right baba? Are you all rights?
To my surprise instead of answering he slapped me and said never even pronunce that with your dirty mouth. Sir please take him away.
Wait!!!! What!!!! Is he just slapped me!!!!! But why? To whom is he asking me to take away? And Where?
Till that time I haven't noticed that police wear standing just on the other side. But why? Why baba is asking me to take me away? What have I done? Before I could ask any thing more one of the constable came forward put an handcuff on me, and pulled me out like some animal. I had a glimpse of maa she was crying, But more of it she didn't even look towards me. I don't know what was going on. I couldn't ask any thing more. Baba slapped me for the first time in my life. I don't know what have I done but I'm quite confident that I have don something really very very bad.
They put me in the van. I said nothing or have nothing to say or ask. I was marked as criminal but I didn't know what is my crime.
Today full day I was working in office and.. and.. I was in the party after office. What happened in the party. I got drunk and what next? How I came home? Have anything gon wrong in the party!!! But what? Why the hell I can't remember anything? Why? Why? Why?
I need to ask this constable if I could remember anything.
Somehow I managed to asked the constable why am I being arrested? What's my crime?
Dekho is chutiya ko rape karke kitna mashum bana firraha hai.
What the hell rape!! I have raped!!!

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