

Little Things In Life Matters
At a wintery night of December, with a cup of hot coffee, reading your favourite book, feeling cosy. What do you need more in life to become happy? A big house? a Lamborghini? Really?

I can recall a quote one once said, John Kabat-Zinn his name is, that,

“The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.”

They aren’t. They are big and important. They matter, matter far more than the so-called important things. I believe, whatever I need is already possessed by me. That’s true.

A cup of coffee is sweet, surely it is. It is sweeter than the chaos of being famous or enduring the pain of constant hustle. It is simple, easy, and sweet. It is the so-called little thing. Sounds cool, doesn’t it?

Or are you a tea-drinker? No worries it doesn’t make it any less of cool. Or hot.

I love to properly taste the food I eat. Many people don’t chew properly. For those of who don’t know, half of the digestion is done through the instruments within the jaw- teeth and tongue. We end overeating in the search of the taste that could be found in the first bite, lick or sip.

Everything in life is a blessing. “Every blessing ignored becomes a curse.” Is one of the quotes that stayed with me after finishing The Alchemist. I have food to eat, clothes to wear, a cosy, soft bed to sleep, a roof to stay under and a life to live. Those are all I need.

In childhood, small things made me so happy. The toy my father brought or piece of extra chocolate I was given for being the minor-Those were the happy days. And they still are—happy days.

To remind my brothers and sisters in suffering- suffering in life is inevitable. If one message I could spend to my younger self, it will be that everyone in this world is suffering. From the richest to the poor farmer, everyone, has their own pain and own pleasure.

And they, we, I are and am blessed in many ways as we are cursed. We have those “little” things remember? Those things that made us whatever we are. Maybe a feeling, a memory, or a toy.

Those things matter. Let’s enjoy them.