

The Demon and Angelic race romance
Characters : jack ( black hair ,blue eye, age:170,000) aika (brown hair blue eyes age 300,000) hanska (black hair green eyes age 200,000 ) Azazel ( brown hair, brown eyes, age 18.

Setting : new york ,U.S ,Houston Street
About angel and demon

The Demon and Angelic race romance

Azazel was in a new town in new york and she did not know anything about this town. Azazel ran into someone named Jack .Jack was also new to this town that he knew nothing about and he was worried about finding out that he was an angel. Then Jack had to hide but it was too late because someone saw him in his angelic form. That person was hame aika. Akia told Jack that he was an angel but in reality was a demon.that was trying to get close with jack because he was a demon that knew him when he was in another life and that not just it they were in love with each other and that aika of the demon race is still in love this tht angel. Aika is the king of the demons who has never loved anyone but jack.

Akia had a friend that was a demon and he was also in love with jack. Jack was scared when he was found out by akia but the demon was around the corner that he somehow trusted but not the person that was an angel but he did not feel like he could trust aika. The demon named Hanska for some reason Jack ran to Hanska but he had a face of the second most beautiful demon and Hanska let him run to his arms and the angel that was disguised as a demon got upset and he flew up to his house.akia is now in his house were he had to go cool off. But Jack was still in Hanska arms and then akia came up with a way to get close to jack. When he did, Jack was still holding on to Hanska. He said to jack “are you okay” then jack said I am okay. Then Jack asks him if he wants to go back to the house that he just bought. Hansika said yes I will go with you.

In the end they both walked back to Jack's house. Then jack was at his house on the border of both angels and demons so he will be in a lot of conflict. But if he go out with one of the demons of the demon king he will be okay because if a demon and an angel get together they cannot be toch in the town but if they want to break up the demon king and the goddess of the angel will have to grant freedom so that means anyone can go out with them angel or demon but if you are on the border you have to etith a demon so jack can be with. any demon but if you go out with the demon king you get special gifts from the demon and they can say anything or they will get punished by the demon king but right the demon king is singe their is no one with the demon king and he is the most beautiful demon king for 300,000 years and going.akia had a plan ut he did not go thru with it because he just want him to ge happy so he stopped .

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