

I Love you with everything I am.
She said
"I am my biggest Enemy, and I am my biggest Lover."
He said
"If you are all that, then tell why do you cry over him?"
She said
"He became my biggest Fear."
He said
"Let me become your everything."
She said
"I am afraid, I cannot do so."
He said
"I will do anything, name it."
She said
"Would you kill someone for me?"
He said
"Yes, I will."
She said
"Well, Would you die for me?"
He said
"Yes, I will without any hesitations."
She said
"Are you sure?"
He said
"With all my heart and my soul, I swear I will do what you say."
She said
"Pick your most cherished knife, and stab me with it."
He said
She said
"You swore upon your heart and your soul, don't go back on your words."
He said
"You are my heart and soul, I cannot do so.."
She said
"If you love me, then free me."
He said
"You cannot leave me."
She said
"What do you mean?"
He said
"If you die here today, I shall die right beside you."
-He slowly walked towards her-
-He stabbed the sword as gently as possible-
-She whispered "Thank you" as she smiled-
-He gently placed her down-
-He layed right beside her, and stabbed himself-
-While dying, he said "I love you with everything I am"-
The end, Thank you.
© mika