

Selfish Love: Chapter 4
○●the reason why its chapter 4.0 is because i cut the half of the chapter. the app keeps telling me that there is a url. by making it short, looks like i removed an invisible url●○

"Im going to take her with me.." Yuna said as stands up and stares into Maruqez's eyes. "You cant do that, i could easily just tell the police and it will be considered as kidnapping..." Maruqez giggles as she adds "or more like i will make them believe and think that you're kidnapping her"
"Maruqez! In that case...i will tell them that i wanted to be with her!! And i will tell them everything you've done to me!" Ruru cuts in.

"Wow, i see, now that your friend is here, you're getting strong against me huh?" Maruqez said as she pulls Ruru by her neck tie, but Yuna quickly hits Maruqez's hands off. "How dare you hit me like that? Besides...i am the one who took care of Ruru, you knew her from me, i am the one who made her go to school, i feed her, and spend for her" sadly said Maruqez, making Ruru feel sad, but Yuna is not accepting that act. Then Zury decided to whisper "Ruru..i will help you get out...we will get you out of here"
"Yes please.."
Suddenly they heard them fighting.

Yuna blocks most of Maruqez attack, then when she strikes back, Maruqez got hit against the wall, then when yuna as about to punch, Maruqez yelled "listen!" Yuna just looked, "if you leave a mark on me..especially on my face...you will get caught, the school knows me..and you're just a stranger in here" Maruqez smiled. So, suddenly Yuna punched Maruqez on her stomach.

Meanwhile Zury already helped Ruru to get on the wheelchair, then they sneaked out, fortunately the principal lets them go. Maruqez just noticed that Zury and Ruru are gone, she pushed Yuna away and searched for them, Yuna quickly told to the principal that she's done, so she could leave. She ran to Ryhnee's house, she was glad to see Ruru in there.

"Wait...let me just check what's wrong with my arms.." Yuna went to the toilet and looked to her arms on the mirror, she had alot of bruises from blocking Maruqez's hit. "That was still worth it" she said to herself as she laughs and went back to hug Ruru, "dont be scared Ruru..Maruqez might seem like she will do what she says...but she wont, besides, you're free to go with who or where you want" Yuna then left to prepare coffee, but then Zury was thinking...then yuna suddenly says "In that case...we could both work, we will earn money together, help eachother study after work before we sleep..sounds hectic"

Then Zury asked "Yeah..oh that reminds me..why are we planning all this ? Ruru didnt tell us the thing she said she had alot to say", then Rynhee came home with groceries "ah...sorry for interrupting" Rynhee said as she puts her groceries in the kitchen. So Ruru didnt mind and decided to tell them.