

Chapter 3
Rikona finally woke up, she cried and not knowing what happened, so the nanny quickly came to her.
"Oh my god.. finally you're awake! Here i will prepare something hot for you to drink and breakfast.."
Meanwhile..outside their safe zone..the bridge that was once there is destroyed, and Erity was at the otherside..suddenly hard earthquake started. Everyone was told to run to the main training field since its flat and empty, but they had to cross the bridge since that's the only training field that could fit the whole people..the others are dangerous as it as statues and buildings.

Erity said
"Why..i just woke up and everything has gone bad already..its becoming worse.."
Leiko left Jin and Usagi trapped in a building. Jin said
"Stay away for a bit! I will use my magic to get us out of here!"
Suddenly they heard an explosion, and when they looked, Usagi and Jin flew off from there. Noriko said
"You guys..where were you"
Everyone was panicking and they couldn't stand still. Ruhimi said
"Look, i know a place thats safe, but it means leaving this town"
So they followed her, Noriko keeps falling. Erity shouted
"Come on! You can do it!"
"Im sorry..i cant.."
Erity ran to her and wants to grab her, but Ruhimi stopped her seconds before a huge stone pillar fall between them. Erity was in shock, her tears starts flowing as she shouts
Ruhimi just looked with a frown..
"Lets go Erity.."
Erity cried and pushes her away, Ruhimi was confused..
"You three..Go! I will..i will find her.."
"Wait no!"
Before Ruhimi could grab her, she disappears in smoke..she then saw Erity jumping from rocks to rock, finding Noriko.

"Okay...fine..lets go.."
Jin looked one more time before she runs with Ruhimi to safety. As Erity was trying to Find Noriko, she kept crying.
"Sanada!! SANADAA!!"
Erity couldn't move any of the rock..
"No..this cant be!!"
She kept crying as she walks away.. and looks at the direction where Ruhimi and others headed to..
"Maybe... i could find Rikona.."
Rikona was already on the main field with the other kids, she cried loudly as there was monsters flying above them and taking some other kids. A gaurd shouted
"Everyone please seek a safe shelter!!"
"All of them are gonna break and fall on them!"
Most of the kids were gone..and that same little girl who helped Rikona wear her bracer was taken right on front of Rikona.
The girl shouted
"Noo help me!!"
And continues screaming as the monster flew away, Suddenly Erity came out of nowhere and took Rikona.
"I will save you.."
One of the guard was confused
"Hey! Return her back you.. monster!?"
Erity used one of her assassin ability to vanish from there without a trace. Rikona kept crying.
"Look Rikona.. if anything happens to me..just run, do what ever it takes to keep yourself alive.."

Then she heard a loud roar to her left..and when she looked, the monster was already about to grab her, so she throw Rikona further away from her, but she didnt know that on her right was a cliff, the monster just pushed her off. Rikona shouted
She saw the monsters and quickly ran away, she saw many trees on her way, she tried to confuse the monster by running between them, suddenly changing directions as she uses the tree as her shield, making the monster confuse and bumps onto a tree. And as she keeps running, she saw Ruhimi and the others, she didnt know they were Erity's friend, and they didn't know she was Erity's friend too! Jin said
"Oh, Zuni! A little girl!"
She was running to them crying, she hugged Jin since she was the nearest.
"Wha- aww.."
Ruhimi looked and said
"Well, this may seem like a safe area, but they are also up flying searchig for flesh, carry her and follow me, hopefully we find more survivors"
They found a small hole through a rock, Ruhimi crawls in..then she said
"There's a big space here, get in!"
They all got in. Jin used her magic to create a magic torch that gives out neon blue light. Rikona was shaking in fear. Ruhimi noticed Rikona's bracer..
"Are you..nevermind, now its not the time"

The earthquake has calmed down.. they all sat quietly scared and worried. Usagi said
"I cant believe we lost three of them...im..im scared.."
Rikona bursts out crying. Ruhimi got mad and said
"Dont show the little girl that you're scared!! Look at her now!"
Jin slightly laughs as she tries to comfort Rikona.
"I noticed her Bracer..did Eri-"
Ruhimi cuts in
"Jin!! Shh!"
Rikona looked and asks
"Eri...Erity?...Erity.. Reizic.."
They didnt hear the last name Reizic, so they didnt care much
"Ugh..i already hold myself but ofcourse someone else had to say it"
Usagi asks
"So..what now?"
"Look.. Jin, you take care of the little girl, Usagi and me will get some supplies K?"
Ruhimi and Usagi left the cave and looked around, everything seems fine..strong wind and dark clouds..Ruhimi remembers Erity..
"I..will get some some wood..please look for any clear water around here.."

Usagi panics
"Wait..so..we are going to have to survive in the wilderness!? I cant i cant i cant!"
"What you mean you cant!! Then why the hell are you even a soldier!"
"Its..its not my desicion!"
"Oh..yeah..i almost forgot..then yes, we will have to survive in the wilderness until we find a place to live..okay?"
"I wonder where's Leiko..i dont feel safe without her..."
Ruhimi gets frustrated
"What you mean you dont feel safe huh?!"
Ruhimi walks closer towards as she says
"What do you think are going to happen without her around you, you think we dont protect others? You think we will hurt you? Or do some weird shit to you? Or maybe you think we will forget you?"
She was so close that Usagi had to look away and puts her hand on Ruhimi's chest, stopping her from getting any closer.
"Look, if you keep being this scared and worried, just quit, just be a normal person, not a soldier, otherwise, speak up even to your own teammates, friends or anyone.."
Ruhimi walks away as she says
"You didnt even try to protect yourself when i was so tempted to punch you, SEARCH FOR WATER, YEAH!??"
Usagi quickly ran away searching for at least a river.

They didnt know..that Rikona heard their arguments..Jin was careless, didnt know it would effect Rikona. While they were waiting, Jin decides to look outside the cave, Rikona quickly ran to her and hold her, Jin just looked. Rikona said
"Dont leave me.."
Jin carries her and went out the cave, Usagi was coming with a bottle of water. Ruhimi slightly laughs as she says
"Good thing i always carry even an empty bottle around with me! Never knew it would come in handy!"
She saw Rikona and Jin, she smiled
"Lets go girls! I know a town, its the nearest one from here, but still far since we have to go by foot..might take us a couple of days"
Few hours has passed and they were still walking, Usagi and Jin had to switch carrying Rikona since she couldn't walk for so long, they were in a rainy mountain, so Ruhimi sighs in frustration as she says
"Is there anything any of you could do than just following my lead?"
Jin replies
"What do you want us to do.."
"Hmm..any if you hungry?"
"Im actually just thirsty..."
"Then drink"
Jin doesn't trust Ruhimi's water bottle.
"So just because this bottle is not yours, you will die from thirst?"
Ruhimi grabs the water bottle and stood up looking down on Jin
"Then, you need my help?"
As she opens the water bottle, Jin knew what was coming and stood up as she takes the bottle away.
"Fine..i will drink.."
Jin almost finished the water, so Ruhimi snatched the bottle and walks away looking for more water.

And while waiting, Usagi got an idea
"Since im an archer..nevermind.."
Ruhimi came.
"You, Usagi, since you're the Archer, come with me and lets look for anything to hunt down for food"
Jin and Usagi looked at eachother with big eyes.
"And you Jin, if that girl is fine, we must still train here, if we are still at Suqjair, she's already training"
Ruhimi and Usagi left..Jin said to herself
"What...what type is she though.."
Jin asks
"Hey..whats your name?"
"My name is Jin Ouweyrou, that girl with the black hair is Ruhimi Zuni, and blonde girl is Usagi Himura"
"Where..where is..Rezic..Erity Rezic.."
Jin was shock..
"Dont worry Rikona..anyway, we are all here to help and protect..but you must train.."
Rikona remains silent
"What do you want to be? We can offer you mage, dual wield, and archer.."
Rikona still silent, so Jin casts a spell that gives her a small book.
"Here..we have many types of class..just look at each picture and choose.."
There was 2 handed fighter, dual wielding, spearmen, swordsmen, archer, bowgun. Then there was Assassin, dark assassin, mage, dark mage, summoner.
Rikona puts her finger on the picture of a dark assassin..
"do i really have to?.."
"You have to..its a must.."
"I..dont want to.."
"We all dont want to, but we have to.."
Meanwhile..Ruhimi joking smacks Usagi's head as she yells
"You're the archer! SHARP SHOOTER!"
She then yells as she points on front with both hands
"You shot the damn tree while the bunny was just on front of YOU!"
Ruhimi stood out from their hiding spot as she takes out on of her sword.

"I will hunt it myself then.."
Then when Ruhimi spotted the bunny, she tries to sneak..but suddenly, it was shot. She was surprised when she looked..it was Usagi, she was tense.
"Well...good job Usagi.."
Ruhimi pats her back then grabs the bunny. And when Ruhimi left, Usagi sighs in relief and followed Ruhimi.