

Midnight ♡Part Seven♡
Midnight woke up on a couch in unfamiliar surroundings. She was surrounded by unfamiliar people wearing dark hoods and cloaks.
"Take him out..." Said one of them.
"Yes sir" Said a very tall man wearing a red cloak, different than the others.
Then Midnight felt a sharp pain in her heart and in her brain, as if her body was about to explode. "Aghhh!!!"She cried. Her head hurt so bad and she didn't know exactly the reason.
Then she saw a ball of Gray light being taken out of her chest. She could only assume it was Dawn's soul. Dawn and Midnight had a spell casted upon them at a very young age called a binding spell. A binding spell is casted upon 2 or more people, and if one of these people they all feel the same pain. Ash, Shadow, Midnight, and Dawn all had a connected binding spell casted upon them.
Midnight cried and begged them to give Dawn back but they kept talking about a portal and immortality and other weird things Midnight didn't know.
They soon left Midnight crying on the table and in agonizing pain.
"Sir, shall we open the portal now? Or shall we wait for the wolf to show her true colors?"
"We shall open the portal now, Lucifer is not a patient man. If we upset him there is no going back. So give me the soul."
The man in the red cloak handed the other man the Gray ball. The man then said unknown words, almost like a chant....
Then all of a sudden a black, purple, and Gray portal opened in front of them!
"Sir! The spell has worked! We must act quickly!"