

Killer Man
"Honey I'm home!" Said Martha. She set her keys down on the table. "Honey?" She took her shoes off in the living room and walked into her bedroom. OH MY GODD!!!" She screamed.
There on her bed was her husband's dismembered body. Then she walked into the bathroom. On the bathroom mirror written in her husband's blood said,"Remember me? MARTHA? If you want to settle our Agreement then wake up tomarrow to complete your first task-H"Martha knew that if she went to the police then he would hurt some one else she loved.
The next morning when she woke up Martha found a note on her kitchen table. It said,"Good morning Martha. Your first task is to get the items on the following list:
Ceramic Wrap
And a weapon.
Then with these items you are going to kill Mrs. Rosenburg. Mrs. Rosenberg was the richest and most powerful lady in Town of Sheldon.