

Lady Loves Peeking; but Curiosity Gets Lethal!

I was always fascinated by my front door neighbours, and I couldn't resist the temptation to peek through my window to catch a glimpse of their seemingly perfect life. The couple next door were always so happy together. It was almost as if they were living in a fairytale, but little did I know, their story was far from perfect.
“Daisy, I got you something as I promised.” Dave, a well-built man walked into my frame of view, and hugged Daisy. He must have brought her daisies again, she loved them as much as she did to her name. As much as I did mine, too. Even though she might know someone was continuously keeping an eye on her, she was never intrigued. I have never seen her, but I believe she must be very beautiful.
Dave left the frame “Just a min, let me freshen up.” and so did Daisy probably to make him a supper. I looked at my phone screen, and the phone beeped. It...