

The life can be so short, so beatifoul on visions of other, but for some peoplles so creapy and dificult
But for me the life can be the most amazing thing ever, you can sofrer,cry be sick but that's always go stop, the dun can be so luminous and you can shine by the light.
I go say something I like to cry I like the problems cause when I less wait I go gonna Laugh
so much My sun go make me so shining.
But for it I will have to cry for be strong and can win.
But you make me smile when I'm crying, the life it's so much better with you, but I can't be your grilfriend it's my sadness, but I will cry and fight cause your it's my passion I hope you understand my sofring.
Love you and my life, and when I'm crying don' t you care about it' s just my try to be yor wife