

The sun will always shine
Gods the creator of all things ..and just as He created the sun to always shine..to sustain all living things on earth...He also created Jesus...to sustain the world..and just as the sun brightens up the universe...so does Jesus brighten up the world.

Jesus is the Only true light of the world...Jesus is also the hope of the world...So always remember no matter how much you might endure in life...your problems might overwhelm you...to a point you might think ..this is the end of the world...You will never overcome this...but let me reassure you ..there is always hope as long as Jesus is alive forever more.

Prayer is vital. It reaches the ears of God. He will answer prayer always..Never give up...Believe in God always.

It's the end times...Jesus second coming is at hand. So live righteously...and keep believing in the heavenly realm ...Gods got your back.