

An unknown night?
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.And then suddenly what happened actually struck my head,this was the backstory:
Me and my family were coming back from Manali but we got late because my younger sister insisted on a yak ride."we never should have listened to her, she is so small and doesn't know anything" and my mom said"what happened?" "manali to ludhiana is almost a 4-5 hours trip and we already started late, will we be able to reach by night?" "don't worry darling" said dad and we kept moving."We will make our stop in Delhi" dad said...."be ready for a warm and hot ride" "ugh!don't remind me, I can already feel the sunshine brushing past my face" said mom.After a while we reached a small village in delhi for having food.We were scared because it was a strange and not a very safe place, but started our journey from there safely.After moving for a while, we reached a strange and unknown road, when we were observing it with our big eyes, the car suddenly stopped."Oh! its nothing" dad said and went outside to see but after seeing his face I could understand that it was a grave problem."If we would have started early, we would have been home by now" I commented...we waved our hands at the vehicles moving by for helf but it seemed as if they could not see us and then a strange looking car stopped from which a stout,old man came out and asked"is anything wrong?How may I help you young man?" "our car tyre is punctured if u could tell us where we could find a mecganic" "Oh, I am afraid you wont be able to find any mechanic nearby at this time of the hour, if you dont mind, I live nearby and you could make a stay at my house for the night, this is not a very safe place, is it Ram?" he asked his servant behind"No, sire it isn't" he replied giving a creepy smile...my dad said no but mom insisted as we could not see any hotel nor a house till far away so we went with him.As we sat in his car, he told dad to come behind in his car as we tow it.I kept on looking if dad was coming or not as I still though it wasn't right.We came with a man who hasn't even introduced himself.How stupid! "And by the way, I am Sam Wilson" he said as if he read my mind.As we reached his house, it was quite big like a fortess.My dad asked if our car would be repaired by morning and he said"Morning, huh!it would be quite a different story" We didnt understand why he said that but moved on. He told us that he is coming after getting our car parked and disappeared into the darkness.We went inside where were served food and drinks to our hearts content.It had been quite a long time since Mr. Wilson returned and after getting mad with frustration I shouted"Can anybody tell me where the hell is Mr.Wilson?" And then suddenly I was hit by someone or something at the back of my head and when I woke up, I saw Mr.Wilson lying in front of me, a garland on his photograph as if he was dead and me holding a knife in my hand covered with blood.I quickly dropped the knife, ran towards finding my family and they were just like me all shocked and frozen. We packed our bags and went out and our car was perfectly fine but it was not surprising as Mr.Wilson said, in the morning it will be quite a different story.We plopped in our car leaving that house 100's and 1000's of miles behind.I still dont know if it was a fream, a thought or reality but whatever it was, was surely THE WORST!