

A Different Kind of Love (Part1)
For every one the starting is quite difficult for every condition; basically when you have to trust an individual person whom you're unknown. It's going to sound crazy, but I got some changes in my life .You know, I met with a person! Yes, the person who changed my mindset of love .
If I start my story it's kind of painful and filled with kind of depression, anxiety,stress and all of that. But basically I'm not going to share now, I'll share afterwards. Now I'm going to share a different kind of story which going to blow up your mindset.
People used to say when you fell in love it's difficult to come over and that's right. You're going to fall deep for the person which once you've hated the most. It's all start with an occasion held at school. She was unknown about what's going to come to her life; she was busy in line for the preparation. Then there the boy comes. He was kind of didn't care type of boy who loves to break rules,rude with unknown, bunk school, cycling etc. just involve in those things and here the girl polite , kind , innocent and basically perfect. So , there an incident occurred that someone threw her heels about that boy's shoes . After looking at that he was furious so he threw her heels outside the school campus. But when destiny is made, who can erase. His friends come to him to show him the girl . And that's all fall for first uncommon experience. He found himself in an another level of feeling which makes him fall in love with her . After that what you all expect ! He climbed the wall of the campus just to bring her heels and placed where it was. Funny right, so he afterwards used to prepare himself just for one view of that girl .
And yes his friends always there to help him .
The rude boy tried himself to be kind , used to attend classes just for her . But sadly she was unaware of this kind of love of that boy .
(coming part 2)

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