

So Good Together C1
Chapter 1- The Jock's Sister

I woke up this morning excited but nervous as today I would be starting at a new high school, Aridon High. I would be going to the same school as my brother, Hendrick. He's 16, which is one year older than me. He moved away with my dad when our parents got divorced and I stayed with my mom in another city. Now my mom was short on money so she asked my dad to take care of me while she looked for a steady job. 
  I got up and began to get dressed for school. As I joined my dad and brother for breakfast, they greeted me with a smile, "Good morning Hanna". "Morning", I replied. We were ready to go and our dad dropped us off at school and he headed to work. Here I was, standing in front of my new school. Hendrick saw that I was nervous so he held my hand and walked me inside. 
  In the hallway, I could hear people whispering and looking at us. I asked my brother what the problem was and he explained to me that he was quite popular in school. "Everyone listen up! This is my sister, Hanna. Please be nice to her.", he said loudly. Some of the kids smiled and said okay. 
  A girl and a boy walked up to us. The girl was Hendrick's girlfriend, Brittany and the boy was his best friend, Carson. They both greeted me and welcomed me to the school. Brittany said she wanted to borrow Hendrick so he asked Carson to walk me to my class.
   While we were walking, I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. He was tall and he had brown hair and beautiful eyes. Oh, and his smile made my entire day! He was the guy of my dreams. I snapped back to reality and thought that he probably has a girlfriend and who dates their bestie's sibling??
   Before I knew it, we had reached my classroom door. "We're here.", he said. "Thank you…I'll see you around?", I asked. "Yes of course", he replied. We said our goodbyes and I went inside. When I went inside everyone was pointing at the seat next to them, indicating that I should sit there. I choose a seat eventually but everyone came to me asking me loads of questions about my brother. "OMG!", I said in my mind.

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