

My journey through life
As I reflect upon my life, I feel so overwhelmed and I breath a sigh of relief. I'm so thankful for the very air I breath because twenty years ago...I was lying in a hospital room in the ICU for over a month as I had fat embolism...I was lying on a ventilator because I had failure breathing.

No one survives fat embolism according to medical statistics ..but I did through Gods saving grace...Had God not been on my side when I was about to die..I would have perished.

I'm alive today through a miracle. My journey through life has been good at first ...but difficult as well..but what made my journey through life beautiful is Jesus himself.

My advice to you is that with God nothing is impossible. Never give up on God when life seems so difficult...God answers prayer always..If he could save my life..indicates His kindness and immense power and His unconditional love.

God loves you..so even if your family and friends can forsake you...God never forsakes His children.. As you travel along lifes journey remember ..may God be with you always..and may you never lose hope ...even when you seem your problem is the end of the world..remember there is always hope.

You are not travelling on this journey alone...God and His holy Angel's are always watching over you!