

Part I
Is it something scary?
Is it something dreamy?


It's not just a word. But a simple word filled with very complicated feelings.
Ohh..Sorry,Sorry,I'm just kidding..
They are not that complicated. It's just the way you look at it. It will be like a scary grave when you look at it. Same thing can be just like heaven when you look at it in other way.
See, everything's depended on how you look at it.
There we can see many love failures and nowadays it's increasing.
Do you know what, I think there are three steps in love,
But many of them just skip the second step and directly step into love. Then how it will last long?
Before falling in love, we should atleast know about the person. Not whole but for enough.
After you fall in love and know about them,then your relatioship will be horrible and break up is a hard step.


© Zayan