

the good samaritan killer
The old woman dropped her purse, spilling it's contents all over the sidewalk. He rushed ahead to help her stopping short when he saw the gun under the purse..as he gets closer the old woman looks back at him with a very serious look and says "haven't you ever seen a gun before,the man replies with a confused look on his face"its just that I was wondering what an older woman such as yourself would need with a gun that powerful"
"i mean a 357 that's gotta break your arm off when you shoot it"
the old women chuckles and says
"you'd be surprised how tough this little old woman is sonny"
"I've been in 3 world wars,and
shoot alot bigger guns then this ol thing"the old woman chuckles once more and finally has everything put back in her purse then she looks towards the slums of the city and says"with all the thugs and hoodlums roaming the streets these days a little old woman needs
some kinda protection and it might as well be my 357 ol ruth I'm not aiming to scare em I'm aiming to kill em and if the police of this city won't clean up the streets me and ol ruth will " the man just stares with disbelief and slight fear of the old women and says"you mean you'd just take aanother person's life if you had the chance "the old woman stares with a cold dead stare and says"young man its it's not a question of what if and having the chance I I been killing
evil scum for 2nights now and I'm gonna continue doing it until there all dead or until I'm dead"the man
starts stepping away slow still facing the old woman and saysays"so you.. you are the murderous vigilante the news is calling
""the good samaritan killer""
"your the one who shoots the victims 3times in the heart and leaves behind incriminating evidence on them"
the old woman says with disgust on her face "the good samaritan killer""that a ridiculous name and
I won't accept it my name is rosa
may Benton and I'm but a feed up
citizen with a goal to whip this city
clean of all the scum and pave the way for our younger generations of today and to come and now I'm gonna kill you cause all along Jimmy dewayne York nonconvicted rapist and former member of a human trafficking ring, you I've been waiting for to walk up"..BANG BANG BANG Jimmy is dead....to be continued..