

The Radical family
I lived in Nigeria from 2005 - 08
I walked the land and learned. from the. people vast wisdom .

Timi was bore in Ogun State, Nigeria, 2006 .. In those years I wrote a lot of stories from a single situation among people .

Here is one of such stories. ..

Mr. Oluwar and his beautiful wife had 5 children (Sola,, Fefee, Temi, Onie and Jos). The family honor its native tradition over Western religion.

Both the father and the mother were well educated and exposed to many forms of civilization.

Every evening the old man will sit with his young ones. and tell them stories . Each stories had lessons to deal with issues in life.

The old man was creative, he would sit down and talk lies that were actually reality. As he narrated those stories .. His wife will interrupt to make some major clarity of issues as if she known the stories earlier..

Themes of the stories were about
love, jealousy, moral values , having good name, marriage, sex and so on. Only one statement was always constant on every occasion.

"Your teacher is your master.. Soo if I as your father doesn't teach you.. Another person will be the ruler of your mind " those were their father's words

Their Mother words to them were .. "Anything that contradict what I have given you as a child is a poison to your soul "

Whenever they attended Church , upon taking off their clothes .. Their mother will ask .. each of the children what he or she understood about the message in church .

As they talked with their mother .
Their father will listen and observe their conversation. When they all gather on the table to eat at night. Before anyone eat ..

Their father will correct everybody error ..One of his major correction was God is a Nigerian God .. As long you believe in God. God takes your nationality .. God sees all believers equal and love those who rely on Him in all their ways.

This family honor their traditional practices and all it's rational qualities . We are who we are because of what we believe ..
Never neglect your nativity .. Mr. Oluwar would note if there was a conflict between their traditional practices and the Western teaching.

Their biggest daughter, Sola had a male friend from college who always walked her home.

When Mrs. Oluwar noticed the boy, she informed her husband.

Sola what is your intentions for the boy who always protect you as if he was paid to do so ?? That was a midnight questiion asked by the father to the. girl in the presence of her mother .

Daddy he is just a friend she answered.. Hmm that's the same way your mom was just a friend until she became. a mother of you follow by the rest; her father said seriously..

Ah!! Don't be shy Sola .. Her Mother said .. We respect your feelings but we want to ensure that you are protected, and provided for if you must have a partner ..

If you love the boy, tell us so we can caught him for you .. Her father said and laughed.. With an intention to have her feeling free to speak ..

Yes, I love him but ...We are just friends.. Sola said bending her head softly

Okay, that's good.. We want make him a family member that is why we are talking to you .. Her Mother said smiling..

Your relationship is your family responsibility.. as a lady when the man sees that you are protected and prioritize by your family .. He will cherish you. Because your affairs with him will be sealed by his parents and your parents .

He won't run from his responsibilities because he will be treated as a son in your father's home as well you will be treated as a daughter in. his parents home .

Now what next , the Mother asked ..Welcome the young man into our home .. We must first know his family deeds and beliefs, then understand his ways before accepting him as a son .

So if his family deeds and beliefs are not pleasant what should we do ?? Let us hope for the best .. sleep and have some rest Sola ..

No worries just keep what we talked about to yourself and follow our instructions .

Everything will be okay ...You already got our blessings that young man is just your new lesson so let us observe him

( To be Continued)

© Jarry B Blie