

Near the Water pt. 2

Her hair was like the sun, beautiful red mixed with orange and yellow, her eyes looked like a ocean blue, but nothing in this world was more meaningful to me then her smile..
" Rowan wake up, Happy Birthday"
my mother always did have the brightest of ways to wake me up on my birthday but before I could muster up any words she told me, " now what does my lovely daughter wanna do today with dear old me." I laughed she always knows what I want to do, which is skip school and spend the whole day with her and that we did.. At the moment of opening gifts I got Head phones, 3 Harry Potter books, and there was one gift left, I reach for it, it looked to be like a picture frame but the bright pink colored paper scrambled my brain. I held it in my hands eye balling my mother to she if any hints were available she only giggled and...